A Rosetta Stone of Understanding
Common sense is the basis of any successful strategy. – US Marine Corps Tactics
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/28/2011
In the beginning, God wrote a story. Here is mine. Hope it helps Christ-in-You!
As I write this, I appear to be a failed man by all the world’s measures. I am a twice-divorced, 58-year-old man. I claim to be a Christian, but I have been a college binge-drunk (I no longer drink alcohol), I have availed myself of the world’s oldest profession, legally in Nevada (I am now celibate), I have been kicked out of churches (for seeing too much and thereby offending its leadership), I have climbed to the top of Mt. Rose (near my home in Reno), Mt. Whitney (California), Fuji (Japan) and even the Cheops Pyramid (Egypt). Yet I am no stranger to loneliness, depression and heartache. One time some rather odd neighbors accused me of stalking, but a higher court agreed with me that I was innocent. I feel I have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, enough that no common shepherd would accept me… only the uncommon one.
I have three grown sons from my first marriage. I sustain myself from revenue from my beloved father, at this writing age 89, who has me joined with an oil-producing business.
I am a curious man with a curious passion. I am the eccentric author of In That Day Teachings, providing free information about the biblical “In That Day” on my website,
In pursuit of my goal, I have experienced excesses beyond zeal-of-the-Lord into wackiness. I made strange videos wherein supposed utterances of the Lord included cussing and foul railings against the female gender, televangelists and other innocents. More than a decade ago I was sucked into and later saved out of crazy church operations under different banners like prosperity, rapture or slouch.
Somehow I have fallen into and out of much. Yet still, I have been granted keen insight, perhaps even manna from above, that I hope some can appreciate. I especially hope s one might understand this work to be a comprehensive solution package that fully answers a lot of earnest prayers seeking truth from the fog of spiritual war.
I wish a cleaner gentleman had come up with all this. But I couldn’t find one no matter where I looked. Sorry, I am all you have to explain: this big package of In That Day Teachings.
By the way, I am so bold as to call this package a “Rosetta Stone of Understanding.” Let me explain. The first one had three languages on it. Greek, Coptic and Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Prior to discovery of the stone, modern folk couldn’t figure out what the hieroglyphics were saying. But after discovering the three-part Rosetta stone, knowledge could be restored from the ancient world. Bravo!
In That Day Teachings also have three things: A) Christ-in-y=You-ness (see Col. 1:26-27), B) Western Enlightenment (God’s multi-millennium package of communal procedural uplift) and C) Higher Teachings (Paul’s Way, which has for so long been butchered by well-meaning but shrunken-head church leaders dedicated to spurious doctrines.
Despite the obvious and reprehensible flaws of its loathed author, me, one Robert Winkler Burke of Reno, Nevada, I invite you to be uplifted, increased in stature, brain-muscle strengthened, laugh and learn In That Day Teachings.
Or not.
(Hope not: not!)
Hoping All in Christ,
Robert Winkler Burke
Reno, Nevada
P.S. Aging man-of-war that I am, I must tell you I love to practice Russian Martial Art, as taught by Vlasdimir Vasiliev of Toronto, Canada and Mikhail Ryabko of Moscow, Russia. They are followers of the Russian Orthodox Church, and know nothing of my Christian writings. But Mikhail Ryabko believes Russian Martial Art may be the art of Czar David, which would be King David to us.
Russian Martial Art has taught me flexibility and maturity. Also my students in Reno have learned flexibility and maturity (I am an Instructor-in-Training.) Also, my Christian pastor friends I visited in Bungoma, Western Kenya, in 2008 and 2009 learned flexibility and maturity. They love it! My Christian friends love Russian Martial Art because, besides being immanently practical, it helps understanding higher teachings of the spirit.
I believe In That Day Teachings along with Russian Martial Art both teach great flexibility and maturity. This is quite a trick, actually. I haven’t noticed churches able to do this much, have you? Because here’s the stunner: Great flexibility and maturity are two undeniable attributes of God Almighty Himself!
We would all do well to learn greater flexibility and maturity! Who knows? You might even need to have these two notable character traits deeply embedded and tested in your soul!
So, that’s a warning, sort of. Before you think you can believe, or quickly dismiss for that matter, my teachings ask yourself this question:
Got flexibility and maturity?
If this throws you for a loop, would you want your boss to be rigid-righteous, or holy-flexible? Everyone would want the latter, of course!
So then, would you want people under your discernment to consider you rigid-righteous, or holy-flexible? Everyone under you, would want the latter, of course?
Since this is universally true, for Christ’s sake, why are so many people rigid-righteous?
And the answer, of course, is pride. Truth grows at pride’s expense, and vice versa!
Rigid-righteousness grows at humility’s expense! And that has been the problem all along! God asks us In That Day, to forgo rigid-righteousness and enter into holy-flexibility! And that will take swallowing a lot of pride, and growing a lot of humility!
25 Theses for Christian Church Leaders!
Wherein We Must Either Laugh, Cry or Change
By Robert Winkler Burke, copyright 2005
Reno, Nevada USA
1) Praying for Uncorrected Revival vs. Repenting of Wrong Doctrine
John the Baptist said to repent. Jesus said to repent. And their sharpest words were directed against the religious leaders of the day. But the religious leaders of today say that they, themselves, have nothing much to repent about. Instead they call for revival for an unrepentant, uncorrected Church. American preachers now find revival chiefly in Third World countries who are hearing the mega ministry spiel for the first time. But in America, faith-movement leaders are finding very little new manna. In the modern nations, who have heard the faith message for many years, revival waits. Like Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn we “got to decide, forever, betwixt two things.” The Church either must massively repent regarding wrong doctrine or pray giddily for heavenly affirmation for an uncorrected Church’s revival. The Church tells us it is righteous, blessed and needing only our money. To believe anything else is, well, to be wrong, damnably so. But perhaps we can help this Church self-enslaved to wrong doctrine escape its shackles of deception. Perhaps we can say, with irony as did Huck when he went against his religious upbringing and helped his friend Jim escape slavery, “All right, then, I’ll go to hell.”
2) Teach How to Hear God vs. Teaching Anything Else
The Church teaches many things, but it rarely teaches the disciplines to hear God’s rhema instant-now voice. If platitudes were sufficient for tomorrow’s emergency, Confucius or Lao Tzu or preacher Tom, Dick or Harry would be fine. But some of us have a sneaking suspicion that Father God Almighty just might be able to tell us individually what we really need to do better than, well, the placebo pandering, opinions or promptings of anybody else. This ability to hear God’s rhema voice, by the way, trumps rule-based activity, which is why Jesus so often seemingly violated His own Father’s laws. If the letter of the law (any law, even the law of tithing) kills, it is the Spirit of God (for example, prompting one person to give to another, rather than tithing into the ministry bucket) which gives life!
3) Escape by Rapture vs. Survive Overflowing Scourge
One thing a person can say with certainty about the rapture is that we haven’t seen anybody raptured yet. A less certain observation is that whereas rapture books have sold in the millions, no good answer is available to the question that since rapture authors believe themselves soon gone, what need have they of rapture profits? Nevertheless, rapture makes for delightful mental escape. However rapture theology fails to prepare its believers for the Lord’s fierce and overflowing scourge which the prophets of the Bible so emphatically warned about. This makes believing in fly away fallacies a rather unsafe bet.
4) Irresponsible Eternal Security vs. Free Will Responsibility
Whereas a new citizen of the United States of America renounces his former citizenship and promises to obey the laws of the land, our dear Church of Eternal Security believes we can at once become citizens of God’s kingdom, but not be truly concerned with obeying our King’s laws; since we somehow become “eternally secure.” However, if a naturalized citizen of America would follow that same advice and rob a bank, he most likely would find himself in a federal prison and unhappily “secured” for what may seem like “eternity.” Of course, the Eternally Secure Church believes God’s gift of free will responsibility magically disappears after a salvation prayer. Why, then, doesn’t the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service also cover its new citizens with such wonderful absolution? If they did, perhaps we citizens would become foreigners just for the opportunity to become new citizens of America, free from the recompense of high crime!
5) Tarry in Me Baby vs. One In Whom He May Be
“Should JEEE-ZUS tarry!” so many preachers like to say. But one might ask, how can they be so bold as to imply our Lord is late for their party? Isn’t it the reverse? Doesn’t Jesus want to manifest himself in every man, woman and child? Or is He who they believe will fix everything instantly, late with the instant fix? Yet the last page of the Bible tell us three times: “Behold, I come quickly” (to manifest Myself in all who have prepared themselves by shunning unjustness and filthiness and paying the high price to be righteous and holy.) Are we baby theologians in need of an instant-fix God who will appear independent from us to right all wrongs; or are we mature believers instructed to be prepared, ready and watch for Christ to manifest Himself in ourselves and others and rejoice In That Day? So, we can choose to be either a “Tarry in me baby” or “One in whom He may be!”
6) Worshiping Worldly Profits vs. Honoring Rebuking Prophets
The five-fold ministry includes prophets, but rare is the church with a prophet operating in Biblical fullness. More common is the church with profits to grow buildings, grow staff, grow television ministry and grow sometimes huge convention meetings. If a living prophet is heralded, is it one who rebukes as did Moses? Is it is one who rebukes as did Jeremiah? Is it one who rebukes as did John, Jesus and even Paul? Or do we find prophets who prophesy rainbow stew for me and you? Sadly, we find the latter and not the former. No church serves two masters, and the master of the world is often the master of the church. And the master of the world will not be rebuked by a prophet. Perhaps this is why so few churches want correction, but so many revival; so few a prophet, so many entertainment; so few steak, so many milk.
7) Tithing Rule vs. Jesus’ Three Red-Letter Tithing Denouncements
Many ministers excitedly herald Malachi 3:10 and sing the virtues of rule-based tithing. However, few pastors just as excitedly herald the three red letter denouncements from Jesus of tithers who displeased God. Jesus taught that when you hear from God, there are no rules. He and His disciples didn’t wash before eating corn, He healed on the Sabbath, He wasn’t ordained by man and He taught rule-based tithing was not necessarily pleasing to our Father! Perhaps the reason people cannot hear Jesus’ rhema word on how much to give to whomever is because so many ministers have exalted their teaching above that of God’s Son. Martin Luther said, “To go against conscience is neither right nor safe.” Satan can indeed tempt a person to tithe wrongly. Jesus said so. But modern ministries refuse to line up with Jesus and get tithing right. They are guilty of a kind of subornation of sin, getting others to do something in a way that displeases God. Worse yet, prosperity preachers add self-service to the mix by teaching a seed harvest doxie that goes like this: Give to get! Amplified it is: Give directly to my non-profit organization which channels wealth directly to me, and believe God will nebulously channel wealth directly back to you by some less direct, less selfish, less conniving, more nebulous way.
8) What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) vs. Obeying Jesus’ Rhema Voice
Youth ministries have embraced the “What Would Jesus Do” doctrine and encouraged sales of jewelry, clothes, books and anything marked “WWJD.” However if WWJD where tried by any real organization it would fail. For example, what if every person in the US military acted upon the thought, “What Would President Do?” Chaos would follow! The US military must, in the end, do what our President, as Commander in Chief, says. Jesus said, “Blessed are they who hear my (rhema) word, and obey.” Granted, at first we may not hear from God well, and must settle for doing what we think He wants. The trick is to rapidly advance to hearing directly from God. Jesus is very much alive, contrary to what the WWJD doctrine implies, and He will tell us precisely what to do, if only we believe and pay the price of righteousness to hear!
9) The “About” Factor vs. Enough “About” Already, for Christ’s Sake!
Ministries which forever teach “about” Jesus and never involve themselves with manifesting Jesus (including love, healing, tongues, prophesy, gifts of the spirit, miracles, etc.) are like an F-15 flight school that forever teaches “about” the fighter jet but never expects anyone to be its pilot. Granted, an F-15 Eagle is an extremely complicated machine. Some could choose to blab “about” it for eternity. Likewise, an errant minister may blab on “about” Jesus eternally but never manifest much of His Spirit. God help the ministries trapped in such rotten and despicable doctrine. Such “about” preachers can be detected by the fact that their sermons are almost always boring. And finally, these curious “about” preachers have nothing of the spirit of Chuck Yeager, or an eagle, or our Lord, or anyone you must ever hope to be.
10) Spirits? What Spirits? vs. Understanding God’s Spirit Realm
God is a Spirit. God breathed His Spirit into us. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would teach us all things. But most preachers avoid teaching the dynamics of God’s spirit realm. So the world turns to New Age because the Church cannot explain this age. The world turns to fortune tellers because the Church turns away prophets. Christians are full of evil spirits because the Church says it cannot happen. Television preachers are proud of their ranting spirits, their money-extracting spirits and especially their uncorrectable spirits. God created a kingdom of spirits, but the modern church hides from the knowledge of it. The Church believes it has God’s truth in the form of the word, usually only the logos and seldom the rhema. God believes His Church must have His Spirit, as evidenced by signs which the Church tends to reject. The Church must stop its hide-from-spirits-but-seek-truth game. God says you cannot have His Truth without His Spirit. The Church which settles for one, has neither.
11) Unhappy Heresy Hunters vs. Happy Hear-and-See Campers
Unhappy heresy hunters want to kill the doctrine of those who say that a strictly literal interpretation of God’s word is wrong. Jesus was crucified by unhappy heresy hunters. Jesus did not interpret scripture literally. Woe to any person similarly filled with God’s Spirit, who steps outside their literal word mind-prison, and comes under their gun sights. For unhappy heresy hunters have rejected the Holy Spirit, and are spiritually blind. And it upsets them to discover others who see spiritually and help others to also see spiritually. So heresy hunters live to kill the two witnesses of life on earth: God in man and man in God. But true seekers can find happiness in God.
12) Doing Dispensational Dogma vs. Making the Crooked Paths Straight
If a gay midget who was missing a leg, an ear and half his private parts was elected President of the United States, somewhere a dispensational preacher would say, “This too is in the Bible!” For about a hundred years end-times eschatologists have distorted history, blasphemed His story and encouraged histrionics regarding their know-it-all theories about the appearance of Mr. Antichrist, the mark of the beast, the avoidance of tribulation and the fly away, false salvation promise of rapture. But what can be expected from such misguided teachers who take the Bible literally? They literally interpret it like a psychological ink blot. Instead of the Holy Spirit teaching them all things, God lets them provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces. And so, the mad dispensational teachers ignore John the Baptist’s admonition to do the hard and necessary work of tearing down mountains (of a soul’s lies), filling in the valleys (of a heart’s missing good spirits) and making the crooked paths (of a mind’s wrong doctrine) straight. But if the dispensationalists’ literal interpretation of the Bible is correct, then let us seek first a good, used bulldozer.
13) Weeping in Ramah vs. Laughing in Rehma
The truth that some Christian ministries are guilty of preaching a baby Gospel is proven by how they celebrate Jesus’ birth. The season of Christmas is often simply taught as a pageant of nativity. However, a cursory review of Luke’s telling of the story reveals that Father God arranged for eight members of Jesus’ family and friends who were extraordinarily spirit-filled, prophetically spirit-speaking, spirit-led or spirit-obedient. This spirit-led living enabled them to avoid the kill zone of infanticide. This message is lost on ministries who poorly prepare their sheep to similarly avoid modern kill zones. So, Christmases come and go without families being filled with the Holy Spirit, as this part of the story is ignored. And then for some families who subsequently experience tragedies that could have been avoided by hearing from God’s Spirit, instead of being able to laugh in rhema, they weep in Ramah. For this the Church tells them to tithe? Christmas should be merrier.
14) Beam Me Up, Scotty! vs. Give God-In-You a Chance
The word “rapture” is found in the Bible precisely as often as the phrase “Separation of Church and State” is found in the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence. However, the American Civil Liberties Union has no problem making their anti-god agenda succeed, somehow. Likewise rapture preachers, somehow. We have been sold a pack of lies because neither America’s founding documents nor the Bible respectively bars God from America’s public arena nor promises the world a fly-away escape from tomorrow. Nevertheless, truth will prevail in these matters. And the truth of God’s end-times plan is that He really must dwell in us, or else! Stated roughly (but actually quite accurately), the saints go marching in God while the butt-heads get themselves eliminated. For God so loves the world, that in that day of judgment which now is, He will manifest Himself in us to perform His word. This is both our hope and God’s plan for tomorrow.
15) Getting Abomination of Desolation Dollar$ vs. Building Holy Abodes
The dispensational teachers’ dream is for a Third Temple to be built in Jerusalem which will some day have a Mr. Antichrist appear with a pig which he sacrifices on an altar, thereby causing all dispensational book sales to soar to astronomic levels. However, a spiritual reading of the matter reveals that we are Christ’s third temple, and we choose to be either antichrist-like or Christ-like. And in choosing to put either our own piggish selves on the throne, or Christ; we can cause either our own abomination of desolation to keep God forever banished from our soul, or we can work with repentance and truth to get and keep God dwelling in us and we in Him. God’s dream in these latter days is, well, the latter.
16) Mining for Armageddon Million$ vs. Death to Almighty Self
Ooh, ooh! Is this war or the next one the biggie of the Bible? Should we subscribe to the Jerusalem Post or support the preacher who does? When we buy a book or watch a movie on the Battle of Armageddon, should our fear of the future be small, medium or super-size? Should our attention be diverted away from dethroning self, which is the Armageddon for most every individual and family, or with imagining the mother of all wars? Saddam Hussein was wrong when he prophesied about the First Gulf War being such a mother, but why do we still support teachers who divert attention from the battle of self (which enables Christ-likeness) to some future mother of all wars (which promulgates fear.) Answer: The death-to-self Gospel doesn’t allow much self-promotion, self-exaltation or self-aggrandizement; but fear-mongering does.
17) Betting Bad News Brings Big Buck$ vs. Empowering to Overcome
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it! Bad news SELLS dispensational books, tapes, conventions and television shows! What a surprise! There is bad news! Wow!!! And so go the dispensational programs under the banner of Christ. At the end of most breathless presentations of their bad news gospel, is their fear-of-the-future-without-dispensational-insight altar call. “UNHOLY BAD NEWS, Robin!” says Batman, “Where is Superman when you need him?” Comics and bad news aside, real shepherds must teach their sheep to be disciplined and hardened overcomers, who can acutely hear and obey God’s rhema voice, so that they are equal to any emergency.
18) Mining Omega Codes for Million$ vs. Who Is the Christ?
The Bible certainly contains mysterious codes. Maybe it has Adolf Hitler’s name, or Charlton Heston’s. Maybe it has your name, my name and sister Sue’s. Does any of this help us to be more like Jesus? Let us hold ministries accountable for where they put the attention of their followers. Do the shepherds fixate on factoids? Do the shepherds fixate on selling their factoids? How do these factoids help their sheep get in the right fold? Having bought and read yet another Christian book of amazing facts, real and imagined, can you hear, obey and expand God’s kingdom better than before money went from your wallet to the author’s? Is it mere knowledge, or spiritual knowledge; is it mere worshiping in truth, or worshiping in spirit and truth; is it mere logos facts or partnership with a living Holy Spirit that helps Christ in us be? Then let all taught of the Lord with eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to obey, witness to the world who is the Christ. Let all who can, witness who is the Christ. Let all who can, see who is the Christ. Let all who can, be who is the Christ. From the east to the west, let Christ, then, return in a cloud of His sanctified vessels, at His sudden time, in His awesome power, with His conquering love and His perfectly sound mind. And leave off emergent gobbledygook and prophetic jabberwocky!
19) Mining Believers for Billion$ vs. Lessons Freely Received and Given
In better times, Christian television programs had modest appeals for funds. But now programs seem to be mostly commercials. They hawk DVDs, CDs, VCR tapes, cassette tapes, books, Bibles, electronic Bibles, software, clothes, trinkets, candles, anointing oil, seminars, conventions, crusades, cruises, indulgences (oops, Martin Luther stopped that years ago, didn’t he?) and perhaps their own mothers if they could. The Gospels don’t tell us much about what was sold under Christ’s watch. However Christ did admonish his disciples who received freely to, well, give freely. To paraphrase Peter: “Silver and gold have we none, but such as we have we freely encourage you to shop on our website, or use our toll-free order line, and pay by credit card and be fulfilled by our mega-ministry warehouse center! Use VISA or MasterCard to buy my Jesus Wants You Debt Free book! Malachi 3:10, brother. Wave that check! Support me and get your one-hundred fold blessing! No, make that a thousand fold blessing with your next thousand dollar love gift! These incredible offers won’t last forever! Help me pay for my NEXT BIGGER, FASTER… (Watch this! Watch this!) EXECUTIVE JET!!! And, of course, We’ve got to buy aircraft rapture insurance! (WINK! WINK!) Call and pledge today! Sow your NEED to our GREED! (You didn’t hear that!) Act now, and sign up for our LUXURY SEA CRUISE! Attend our Jesus Wants You Skinny Seminar and then enjoy the ship’s all you can eat buffet. Or attend the Don’t Be a Gullible Christian Seminar for an additional $2,000. Or for just $10,000 more, you can attend our Means Justify the End Times Conference. To purchase this life-changing cruise all we ask is that you pay for you and your family, and ME and MINE!!! PAY-RAISE THE LORD!”
20) We Don’t Need Maturity vs. Be Ye Spiritually Mature, and Live
Current popular Church teaching discourages the very mandate God requires in this day, which is to die to self at ever increasing levels, manifest God at ever increasing levels and expand God’s kingdom at ever increasing levels. Why is this so? Because: Common Christian doctrines about the future, which typically includes the rapture, the imminent second coming as a spectacular singularity and eternal security, are delusional. Why die to self, if a “Beam-Me-Up-Scotty-God” is going to get us out of our life’s battle zones? But when a hard thing comes to the unprepared (and, by the way, unraptured) believer, that believer is unable to conquer the situation if he can’t hear and obey God’s rhema voice. Ditto for eternal security believers. Why try the rugged road of righteousness, when a simple sinner’s prayer and the belief that “Jesus did it all” is so much easier? But when a hard thing comes to the (supposed) eternal security believer who doesn’t know God’s voice, he is slaughtered by the enemy. Same goes for believers of the Imminent-Return-of-Mr.-Fix-It-All-Jesus. Why learn the disciplines to hear and obey Jesus’ rhema voice, when He “soon and very soon” will set foot on the Mount of Olives and make everything so blessedly perfect? So when most every opportunity to manifest Christ fails to happen in the unsanctified life of a baby-doctrine-taught Christian, the purposes of heaven are massively frustrated. And it is so sad. Because today’s Church clings tenaciously to its wrong doctrines, which result in multitudes dying in ignorance and failure because they learned little more from the Church than unrighteous love mush. When God’s small quiet voice prompts believers to leave off unjustness and filthiness, and acquire righteousness and holiness; likely as not that believer’s preacher on Sunday will repeat rapture, eternal security and imminent return teachings, which is today’s lazy, hazy, crazy, give-up-gospel message saying: Why try?
21) No Pride of Life Here! vs. Prospering in Circumcised Humility
To walk in God’s abundant, overflowing prosperity without fierce warfare against pride-of-life puts us in danger of becoming world-class hypocrites. Knowledge makes us prideful. Success makes us prideful. Money makes us prideful. Luxury cars make us prideful. Executive jet travel can really make us prideful. Exclusive, isolated-from-the-plebian mega-ministry living absolutely can make us prideful. But it apparently doesn’t affect any mega-ministers of this age, according to their incessant lifestyle boasting. And when confronted, they protesteth too much. The result: Mega-ministry followers don’t fight pride-of-life as they themselves prosper. Just count the jaywalking masses as they leave the next ministry conference event. Watch them walk past the downtown needy. Watch them butt in line at the airport, with no decent concern for others already in line. Pride of life puts leaders and followers above the laws of man and God every time. And it is a shame. It hadn’t ought to be happening, but it is. The cut of our covenant needs be hidden, lest we be prideful and our boasting interfere with God’s work.
22) Give One to Another vs. Give Tithes and Offerings to Ministries
The ministries of Jesus and John are summarized quite compactly in the Gospels. Jesus said His ministry boils down to loving God and loving your neighbor. Then He modeled that by giving His life as a demonstration of that agape love. However, the taught-of-mega-ministry sheep often focus on tithing, prosperity, rapture, end-times dispensation doctrine and anything but giving one to another. John’s ministry was summarized by the question, What should we do? John said give your extra coat to another. Then he said the second thing is as the first, but with food. The emphasis is on giving one to another. This agape love of one giving to another is God’s definition of heaven on earth. But the mega-ministers’ message of tithe-to-ministry-and-prosper-until-rapture too often absolves devotees of their agape duty to give one to another. The ministries whose top-of-mind-awareness message is “tithe-and-reap-blessings,” well… their force is not right. Though their ministry coffers are full, and though ministries themselves often give to each other’s ministries, the message the sheep learn from mega-ministers is to first give to the ministry, then all will be well. These ministry sheep have been absolved from ever giving anything to anybody, person to person. Such sheep make hell, not heaven on earth. Until the mega-ministries emphasize giving (love, gifts, respect, honor, time) one to another trumps giving (love, gifts, respect, honor, time) to ministries, their Gospel remains tragically skewed, and God’s kingdom coming to earth tragically delayed, and those supposedly taught-of-the-Lord will remain tragically unable to manifest their Lord’s Behold-I-Come-Quickly return. This is the latter day abomination of desolation: God unable to indwell in abodes of wrong doctrine and deceived spirits.
23) Madness, Lunacy and Mojo vs. Feeding Sheep
Television Christian ministers sometimes present inane, bellicose banalities pretending to be profundities of the highest order: You’re NOT getting it, they say. Other ministers sometimes give manic, emotional diatribes spewed out with machine-gun furor, along with endless scripture quotes of bounce-back-and-forth-scripture-chasing confusion and misdirection of thought. Other ministers employ a staccato of claptrap clichés, background musical crescendos and witchcraft-controlling rapid fire directives: Turn to your neighbor, say this, do that, turn to a Bible verse, turn to another, go back to the first, consider this verse but don’t turn to it, rub your belly, pat your head, finish my sentence, Simon says don’t think! This allows the Lords of Lunacy to hypnotize their sheep to say B-A-A-A-A-A, and A-A-A-A-A-MEN and T-I-I-I-I-I-I-THE and do everything disconnected from God’s Spirit to convince themselves of their happiness without ever truly being fed Christ or being ever able to manifest Him. The sheep are not being fed Christ, they don’t act Christ-like but they do continue to have a craven desire to get “filled” again at the next expensive show. Deca-millionaire ministers regularly extract from followers, some in poverty, to give their ministry ten percent of their income and buy their next “life-changing” book or other must have products, conventions or cruises! It is beyond scandalous. Christ-fed sheep are wise, not suckers; quickened, not dead-looking; independent, not grotesquely obsequious. Sheep that are fed Christ are healthy. Sheep that are fed ego and deception look like some of the misshapen, beguiled troops who now attend ministry meetings. Such conference shepherds teach how to be obnoxious to the Lord and useless to man. This is the fruit of some modern ministries: Abodes of prideful desolation teaching more abodes to be proudly desolate, unable to please or manifest Christ, but nonetheless manically thrilled with ministry witchcraft mojo deception. Turn to somebody and say He’s in the house. This is Revelation’s last page warning against whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
24) Manifesting Our Devilishly-Deceived Selves vs. Manifesting Christ
Amazingly, the Bible’s main message seems to have been lost in centuries of clutter. The message is that Christ must come and manifest Himself in us now. With the Holy Spirit He can indwell in us, if – and it is a big if – we have our heads screwed on straight, meaning we have Father God’s doctrine (i.e. hard truth) and its discipline, which disallows every form of pride, vanity and self-exaltation. This despite what television preachers blithely witness to the contrary. All would be fine except the horrific fact that conventional Christian religion is seemingly opposed to that singular good thing from ever happening in its body. Many of conventional Christianity’s habits, traditions, beliefs and doctrines are perversely opposed in everlasting enmity to the ultimate realization of Christ actually indwelling in us. All of the Bible’s transcendent truths, of Christ transitioning Himself into our selves, as seen in John’s chapters 14 through 17, or Isaiah’s call-outs to this high way, or the Bible’s first page command to have dominion over the spirit realm, or the Bible’s last page’s triple iteration that Jesus comes quickly have been lost to truth. It is well understood that Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit without limit, but the Church has taught to receive Christ without His Spirit. Even those who opt to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, often stay content at an extremely miniscule portion of spirit-led life. Out of this hellish stupor believers in Christ must rise up and demand to receive full baptism of the Holy Spirit and full baptism of the fire of sin-revealing and sin-overcoming tribulation until we in humility and obedience hear, obey and manifest Christ at levels all creation groans in anticipation to see the revealing thereof. In other words, we must be in whom comes quickly our God. When we read, “Behold, I come quickly,” we must agree with Jesus that in our lives: Yes, He certainly came and was, He certainly comes and is and He certainly will come and be in us. Who we are must be who Christ is. Who Christ is must be who we are. He is the great I am. And He calls to us and says: Now, with Me be. Behold, I come. Are you ready? Behold, I come: I in you, you in Me. Behold, then, the Body of Christ rise and shine!
25) Unrighteous Capitulation vs. the Sword of Truth and Spirit
Country western singer Waylon Jennings wrote, “Lord, it’s the same old tune, fiddle and guitar. Where do we take it from here?...It’s been the same way for years. We need a change.” Many television preachers teach rule-based tithing, rapture, eternal security, dispensational dogma, the imminent return of Just-Fix-Everything-Instantly-Jesus (their own miscreant selves excluded, of course!) and that the only prophet is an entertaining one. Such prophets could not get even a dog that wet the carpet to show remorse. Yet the Church itself is neither housebroken nor repentant enough for God to indwell at sufficient levels. In truth, there is no rapture, no eternal security and Jesus comes quickly in the prepared-for-Him-inside now. Giving must be rhema-based not percentage rule-based. The Church’s end-times dispensational doctrine is a colossally wrong misdirection and poorly prepares the Church, much less the world, for tomorrow’s troubles. Tribulations come with opportunity to be sanctified because hard circumstances penetrate a soul’s stupor. Only when the Church teaches the disciplines required to worship God in spirit and truth and then hear and obey Christ’s rhema voice will the Church be equal to tomorrow’s emergencies, opportunities and potential revivals. TV preachers rake in millions of dollars in sales by pandering fear, greed and giddiness to sheep worldwide. This, despite occasional rebel critics who, to paraphrase Jennings, ask, “Are you sure Christ done it this way?” Truly, the Church has missed it by a mile. Ministries will have to massively repent of wickedly hanging on to wrong doctrines, which make them unable to manifest Christ themselves, and for their brazen audacity in hawking their worldly antichrist opinions like voracious whores. Why should God’s people buy Satan’s doctrines from the Church? Church leaders, wash the inside of the cup. Church leaders, die to self. Church leaders, stop extracting dollars unrighteously. Church leaders, stop flailing at the world with a scabbard of puerile doctrines, and pick up Christ’s two-edged sword of spirit and truth. And use that sword against your wrong beliefs and your wrong spirits. And then publicly repent of your misdeeds of proclaiming truth that was not truth and being of a spirit that was not of God. The world will see you become more and more as God’s very truth and even as God’s very spirit. And then, verily verily the Lord God Almighty says unto you, you will see true revival.
Amen, Amen and Amen.
Chapter 1 – What Are In That Day Teachings?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/28/2011
Indwelling, Western Enlightenment and Higher Teachings. These are three things not particularly hard to read. But it turns out to be something very hard to have faith in.
Faith for what? Faith to fix much that’s wrong with modern Christianity, and not insignificantly, the world for that matter.
The world currently suffers from universal hidden enslavement. It’s hard to see, but if you scratch the surface, it’s there. Call it socialism. Call it soft tyranny. Call it too much taxation. Call it lousy church. Call it easily penned sheep!
I call it politic and cleric mystic tyranny, the eternal plague of mankind. Just watch the other hand, and you’ll see lots!
From the pulpit: you’ll see three things. Greed. Fear. And slouch. Pastors call it prosperity give-to-me-get-from-God (wink-wink, I add) preaching, rapture dispensation (so called, I add) “prophecy” and emergent-seeker-friendly “relevance” (is a comment really necessary?) So, I call all this: shenanigans.
From the politicians we seldom hear them thank the pulpit for serving up such gullible, easily penned, ready-to-be-further sheared sheep! They should, because politicians sell mainly socialism, which includes much greed (get others to pay!), fear (what if they don’t?) and slouch (never mind Margaret Thatcher said socialists always run out of other people’s money!)
So church is stuck in shrunken-head land. It wants to stay within the 800 pages of the bible, where pressures to think like an upright non-monkey are kept to an absolute manageable minimum.
Thus, it’s time for Western Enlightenment to come to the rescue for the church, and also by the way, individuals! But what is Western Enlightenment and what will it do for us?
Western Enlightenment is the great treasure trove of proven-by-fire wisdom of the Greek-Roman-Jewish-Gothic-Christian ages. The list is too long to ever really tally, but it mainly consists of continued correction against the dark side of us all. Things like trust but verify, speak truth to power, three-part constitutional republic government, Natural Law, the walk should match the talk, advancement through faults exposed and forgiven. Shorthand, it is LOVE in capitals, love from above, God’s lovely, orderly live-life advice.
Western Enlightenment mandatory membership requirement for correction has been despised and rejected for about as long as hateful and divisive socialism has been worshipped and accepted. That would be for about one-hundred years, as of this writing.
Let us pray it will not take the church, or the world’s individuals, one hundred years to get back God’s brilliant, self-correcting Western Enlightenment! (Which reminds me, don’t confuse what I’m talking about here with “Enlightenment” of the early teen millennium when God was removed from intellect.)
Now, here is the magic. When people get back to Western Enlightenment’s precepts and lines (see Isaiah 28), they will inevitably, inexorably and haply get back to Higher Teachings, sometimes also called Higher Thought. And after their thinking is at least somewhat better organized, they will get back to Christ-in-You indwelling.
Voila! The restoration of all things! Christ-in-You indwelling (Go, God-in-you!), Western Enlightenment (still advancing, through the ages!) and Higher Teachings. All improving. All self-correcting, even if at less than perfect levels. All, at some percentage or the other, God-bearing
Interestingly, the work reintroduces abiding teamwork, verses the Frankfurt Socialist School of endless divisiveness without faith-for remedy.
Un-gullible, intelligent folk who always watch the other hand vs. dupes of Christian greed-fear-slouch mongering, dupes passed onto politicians ready and willing to further fleece the shivering sheep with hidden slavery’s soft or not-so-hidden slavery’s hard socialist tyranny.
And lastly: confirmable salutatory immanently-honorable Christ-in-You-ness understood, explained and celebrated in man, woman and child.
Not bad for a millennium day’s work. Or more correctly: In That Day. What is In That Day? It’s God’s biblical time of uplifting dénouement. It’s His period on the end of His sentence. No, it is not the end-of-days. Nor is it that crazy notion some call rapture. It is simply His day when he can tolerate stupefied Christians no more! He wants a greater mind-meld with us, His creation. And by God, He will get what He wants!
Hence, now is the time when God’s mind gets opportunity to download His apps of light, intelligence and indwelling. It’s been a rare but wonderful thing that’s happened to saints since creation. But now, In That Day perhaps, God’s nature in us can be had for a cost that is at once low but also high.
What does it take to join in God-bearing In That Day? Well, some already are in In That Day. They found the way by themselves or even with church! But the rest need help, and sadly many might discover the price is too high.
What is the cost of Christ-in-You-ness? Pride. You’ve got to lose it. That is often too high a price for many. Hope that’s not you!
Before losing wrong doctrines of greed-fear-slouch (read prosperity-rapture-emergent-sonsnes) you’ve got to lose pride in such hogwash. Because bad doctrine drives bad devils in our souls! Lose the bad doctrines, and you lose the great things bothering oneself inside oneself!
Then, you also have to have faith in tough-as-nails truth! See the last sentence of the above paragraph. Often, church-talk avoids such tough talk. I don’t.
So sadly, many won’t lose pride and gain faith. They’ll walk away, like the rich young ruler did to Christ. (We’ll have faith such a man will grow, and perchance come back?)
But as for you, dear reader, you won’t cling to pride and wrong doctrine, will you? No?
No, you won’t will you?
Good! Very good!
Is Christianity Mumbo Jumbo?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/20/11
Is Christianity mumbo jumbo,
Or men of word and deed?
Mumbo Jumbo men and women,
Have all the Christ they need!
But folk of word and deed,
Work plan A with B in reserve,
Mumbo Jumbos don’t plan,
On blind course, they never swerve!
Folk of word and deed,
Make their part of their world a nice place,
Mumbo Jumbos well,
As Christians think: they win the rat race!
Mumbo Jumbo Christians,
Never stop thinking of themselves most highly,
Word and Deed’ers, they pray,
All right, then, we’ll go to hell most likely!
Who makes heaven?
And who gets left behind?
Well, it depends,
Tell us, what’s on your mind?
Our Insuperable Situation
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/22/10
Big government is big insanity,
We see, but they see not,
They mainstream barbarism,
We see wisdom forgot.
They see we are the problem,
In place they have pogroms,
Quite violent them against us,
We ants against their damns.
Pardon our eyes seeing elbows,
Get ready innocent against their blows,
We plainly see their world is insane,
Snuffing out seers is their game.
Big religion,
Is no help,
They blind sheep,
Without whelp.
The blinders wink,
With their all-seeing Eye,
What they don’t see,
Exists not, don’t ask why.
Low-level Christian broadcast leaders,
Shill inanities from vaunted video pulpits,
Seers see their puerile shenanigans,
Self-absorbed, demigod, narcissist Muppets.
Our insuperable situation,
Leaders: blind as a bat,
Who won’t have the sight of seers,
Whom they smash flat.
Come now, and marinate your mind with these In That Day Teachings. I pray they feed your spirit well.
The goal is to see how often marionette minds are controlled by wrong doctrines of wayward ministries.
And those wayward ministries annually extract (and waste) hundreds of millions of dollars to boost egos.
And those wayward ministries duplicate their duplicitous messages because each leader's ego needs it.
And these In That Day Teachings are designed to help you hear and obey God, and forgo ego and sin.
And these In That Day Teachings cost you your carnal desires, but they can set your spirit free.
And when you hear and obey God, you do not need another rich man's book, or control. Just the Bible.
And when people hear and obey God on this planet, you will have peace among the peaceful.
And the peaceful will be at peace when the deaf-to-God-and-alive-to-self destroy themselves, as they must.
And the wise who understand this and other hard things about the future will weep for a season.
And those who do not understand this and other hard things about the future, will mock the wise.
So let the wise weep and let the fools mock the wise. It is time the two are separated.
Let the wise come into the Master's barn, which is truth, which is heaven come now on earth.
Let the foolish be gathered and thrown on the pile that burns, which is spiritual scourging and self-destruction.
Thus will the false posers among us eliminate themselves while the truly good among us rise and shine in God.
Chapter 2 – Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/28/2011
Okay, I promise to be short. We’ve got some really big concepts to discuss herein, but the last thing the Christian world needs is another dumb, long book of church-speak. Hence the common vernacular used to punch through the spiritual haze of it all.
So, if I’m too abbreviated for you, go to and search through my poetry books or other miscellaneous pages. Use your browser’s search field and type in any word, phrase or subject you desire. Hopefully something useful will pop up.
But, I might be too wordy for you. Sorry. Let me explain. In Isaiah Chapter 28, it says in verse … of the Amplified Bible: (thanks to
9To whom will He teach knowledge? [Ask the drunkards.] And whom will He make to understand the message? Those who are babies, just weaned from the milk and taken from the breasts? [Is that what He thinks we are?]
10For it is [His prophets repeating over and over]: precept upon precept, precept upon precept, rule upon rule, rule upon rule; here a little, there a little.
11No, but [the Lord will teach the rebels in a more humiliating way] by men with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people [says Isaiah, and teach them His lessons].
12To these [complaining Jews the Lord] had said, This is the true rest [the way to true comfort and happiness] that you shall give to the weary, and, This is the [true] refreshing--yet they would not listen [to His teaching].
13Therefore the word of the Lord will be to them [merely monotonous repeatings of]: precept upon precept, precept upon precept, rule upon rule, rule upon rule; here a little, there a little--that they may go and fall backward, and be broken and snared and taken.
You see, church has been idiotically repeating the same-old-same-old for years. It’s really not much in the way of true lines and precepts building upon lines and precepts. It’s just often brain-fluff repetition of known stories and sayings de-linked with much in the way of profound.
However, these In That Day Teachings are different. They ARE line upon line and precept upon precept of God’s doctrines, way and life of High Teachings… as known by every saint that ever lived, and as kept in the bosom of any prophet ever stoned to death…. And as understood, recognized and taught by Master Jesus Christ Himself.
But therein lies the problem. In That Day Teachings are somewhat ethereal. Sometimes even so high as to be rather inscrutable. Then again, they are plain as a steak. And they produce good fruit. Inspect yourself after exposing yourself to the teachings’ cogency.
You’ll find the teachings go far, far beyond and above normal churchianity. Wow! You’ll think, my pastor would never go for this!
Why? Because they are often stuck in institutions of wrong doctrine. But you are not!
But there still are many objections to overcome. Why is there no discernable order, as in one through ten or something like that. Again, I say sorry. Isaiah simply called them line upon line and precept upon precept. That’s the best description I’ve seen, actually.
The teachings are not God’s Big One-Hundred List of Truths! No, they are not.
If you want to make a list, go ahead. I’ve done it. And the list becomes too much to ponder at once.
It’s actually very similar to creating a list of Western Enlightenment’s (WE) precepts. Here, let’s try:
a) Natural Law
b) Leaders who receive correction from underlings
c) Three-part constitutional democratic republic government
d) Speak truth to power
e) Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
f) Free speech and ridicule used against ossified institutions and leaders
g) The right to self-defense including guns, rifles and shotguns (and knives!)
h) One man one vote
i) Equal protection under the law
j) Opposition to political correctness and all Frankfurt School shenanigans
k) Flexible command
l) Trial by jury of peers
m) Honor unto whom honor is due (esteem WE pioneer/heroes)
n) Self-Sacrifice is Great Love (self-on-altar for sake of group not-on-altar)
o) Settle for best (or least worst), avoid unobtainable “perfect” utopian memes
p) Property rights, intellectual rights, income rights, savings rights
q) Etc.
I don’t know about you, but these concepts stop the brain, engage a lot of tough-as-nails thought to buy into, and only years of teaching or learning about these things enable a mind that can carry so many buckets of buckets of teachings.
So, to produce this particular book about higher teachings of God, I choose not to list how many and what are the myriad of teachings. If you are new to this material, be hungry for much more than a dozen concepts (lines and precepts), yet be content if you understand several score or so (meaning 60 to 100).
Wow, you might be thinking. Where did this man get all this information?
Good question. Ever ask a saintly person you happened to meet where they got it?
Well, if you have… and I have… the answer is not so surprising. A person packing a lot of these precepts and lines usually has received it… (in the beginning, anyway) from somebody else and or “elses.” They received higher teachings from another high-taught one or group of ones.
In my case, a group of about three I was able to meet and learn from back in Southern California from about 1994 through the year 2001. They want to remain anonymous, and I will respect their wishes. I have lost contact with them, and I believe most or all of them are with the Lord in heaven, or will soon be.
This group that met me was like a lot of groups here and there that help people in extraordinary ways of the spirit. They, like all of us, were an unfinished work in process. But believe me, they were a lot further down the road than you meet in churchianity!
Hence, lacking perfection I made mistakes. Most groups do. Most individuals do.
Over the years, I’ve met several people who have been helped by such groups, and also been such groups themselves helping others.
Strangely, these groups are at once comprised of very intelligent minds yet minds that have yet to succeed in creating written work that has publishing success.
I hope to break that track record with this work.
And you can see the progress of my mind if still has a record of my earlier work, recorded in Book Two. Therein you will find excessive words, excessive anger, excessive bitterness, yet amazing insight, amazing cogency, amazing pierce-the-bubble-of-fog in churchianity! So, witness how God works in a sad soul such as myself, and take faith that God can work much more easily in you!
In the 1959 Movie Ben Hur, Pontius Pilate said to Ben Hur, regarding bad-man Messala, “What he did had its way with him. Where there is greatness, great government or power, even great feeling or compassion; error also is great. We progress and mature by fault.”
So it has been for all of us, and our ancestors since the beginning of time. This Western Enlightenment precept is no less true for these In That Day Teachings. They, and I and perhaps even you: are a work in process, unavoidably having fault, then progressing and maturing, if we sufficiently repent, forgive… and thereby expand all love.
Also, I find that this pioneer work is much like all pioneer work. Not only does the pioneer get arrows in the back, but the biggest problem is simply the breakthrough!
In 1954 Roger Bannister became the first person to achieve a sub-four-minute mile, 3:59.4. Since then the ‘four-minute barrier” has become the standard of all professional runners of the mile. Whew!
Let’s hope the same for readers of In That Day Teachings!
As for me, I write things, especially poetry, that changes me. I hope it will change the world, but it first changes me. It begins by the ridiculously humbling demand within that requires napping after great spiritual uplift. So I have napped a lot.
This pioneer work has required that I not disbelieve it. That I not succumb to shear insanity, nor deep depression nor even uncontrollable ecstasy. I have had to simply plow through the work and believe.
Then, later on… surprising miracles happen. It is a strange work. People, on occasion, believe I am at a much higher station in God than I could imagine myself ever obtaining.
Well, it is God’s mysterious way. And believe me, brother and sister, it is mysterious. You can bet on that.
The most surprising thing I think I could ever encounter in life, is a reader who plowed through all available In That Day Teachings material, and wasn’t changed for the better.
Of course, there are always the “uncorrectables” looking for a fight. Let’s not fight them, okay?
For after all, In That Day Teachings are work that will test prayers asking for help to hike spiritual Mount Zion, or Hebron even! The High Country is always there, somewhere in God. The question is, dare we hike it?
Or, dare we not?
Chapter 3 – Oh My God! No Greed, Fear or Slouch?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/28/2011
Oh My God! Greed, fear and slouch are not attributes of God?
No way. No how. Not ever. Not tomorrow. Not yesterday. Uh, uh. No, no, no! Nope. No way, Jose. En Espanol, nunca!
Happily for us, but sadly for some church folk, it turns out that In That Day Teachings continually discover what’s wrong with church: Namely: greed, fear and slouch. And these three things are connected to doctrines.
Ouch! That is the really tough part. Identifying lousy doctrines, jettisoning them and replacing them with God’s attributes! Hurray!
But first we must attend to the ever-present doctrines of greed, fear and slouch that unfortunately are so common in common Christianity.
And before we get into details, be warned. We’re not playing games, here. Yes, the language is casual and loose by way of introduction. But getting rid of greed, fear and slouch doctrines is going to be one of the toughest things you’ll have to do In That Day.
Okay, you might say to yourself, what idiot Christian would want to hang onto greed, fear or slouch? I better not answer that question, so as to not offend. But if you get my drift, these cherished doxies are most likely to be in your typical modern church.
And if you have been going to the typical modern church, this isn’t going to be easy. If you are not ready to receive answers to prayer about “oh-God-I-just-want-to-grow-in-you” and you want to hide out in small religion, be my guest! Go ahead. And sadly, go away.
But if you want to walk up to the bar of truth, order a stiff one and swallow it down no matter how bitter it makes your stomach feel, march on brave soldier!
And one more warning: Don’t argue with me on this chapter. Just swallow it in whole at first, and later dedicate yourself to prayer and ask for confirmation. Because, the confirmation is there. It’s everywhere. But don’t get hung up on your pet doctrine.
Because, it is likely that many readers will have one predilection or the other. So delight in the deconstruction herein of the doctrines you don’t adhere to. And then later see all three doctrines are equally bad.
Okay? Okay.
To begin with, greed is promulgated by the Prosperity Doctrine. It says, more or less, if you give to a Prosperity Preacher then God will give you a blessing. Sometimes the blessing promised by the Preacher, or rather it’s a promise the preacher says God will perform… is a thirty, sixty or ninety or for the sake of rounding hundredfold or thousand-fold (heck, why not!) increase.
Now, an economics professor will tell you if you want an increase, then perform a service or deliver a product or earn a return on an investment. Perhaps even discover a buried treasure. But econ profs usually abbreviate it to the fact that we get money by providing a good or serve. Period.
The above paragraph is from Western Enlightenment. It is reasonable. It makes sense. It is logical. It is industrious, even. You might even say it is godly.
But give-to-get shenanigans as practiced by so many wolf-shepherds… well it is anti-Western Enlightenment, hence: un-correctable. It is unreasonable. It makes no sense. It is illogical. It is greedy, especially. You might even say it is ungodly. I do. You?
Okay, either you see it or you don’t. No use for pages of material here.
Next comes fear as promulgated by the Rapture Doctrine. It says, more or less, if you believe in Christ that’s not enough. You also have to believe that he’s coming to take you away, and that soon! Then you will be blessed, that is IF you believe those two things: In Jesus, and that Jesus takes you out. Sort of an “in” and then “out.” If you don’t believe in the “out” portion enough, well maybe you won’t make it “out.” Hence: fear.
Rapture Doctrine makes fear of being “Left Behind.” Because those left behind get the mother of all tribulations. And we all want to avoid hard work, you know! Never mind some poor chaps or chapesses we know seem to already have lived through nothing but excruciating tribulation. They can’t have it any worse, because that’s all they’ve known. We must forget that, and rather believe in shenanigans. Because that’s what rapture theory is.
Now, you may protest: The bible clearly says on the last page, “Behold, I come quickly.” To which I say, precisely!
Precisely, what? Well, let’s hold that discussion for another chapter. But suffice it to say we need eyes to see and ears to hear spiritually just how quick Jesus comes in Spirit to us continually. Only the fearful can’t see too well spiritually, can they? Trust me, they cannot.
Without getting too upset with me, consider this logical conundrum we might potentially have here: Fearful folk believe in the rapture, and the rapture creates fearful folk.
Jesus, on the other hand, says that with eyes to see and ears to hear spiritually, you shall see He comes quickly! But you must be strong and of a good courage! (Duh!)
Yet the rapture preachers never stop preaching their ink-blot imaginings (Rorschach inkblot test I believe it’s called) regarding dispensational dystopia. Further, rapture is always a utopian belief that like all utopian creations: is insidiously provided to its believers though never quite obtainable in the here and present. It is the definition of a utopia: Something to believe in and occupy oneself with, but has the same chance as a snowflake in hell of ever actually coming into existence.
The great political philosopher Eric Voegelin warned in 1956 to not “immanentize the Eschaton,” meaning don’t try to bring the end-of-days into today. He warned it is the con-man’s trick, easy to trick others with, a con that creates confusion and smallness of mind, a con that amps up fear and breeds illogical hysteria. If you don’t believe me, look at the Muslim parallel with their twelve imam shenanigans. Oh, the horror!
The above paragraph is from Western Enlightenment. It is reasonable. It makes sense. It is logical. It is industrious, even. You might even say it is godly.
But fear-mongering rapture promulgation, as practiced by so many wolf-shepherds… well it is anti-Western Enlightenment, hence: un-correctable. It is unreasonable. It makes no sense. It is illogical. It is fearful, especially. You might even say it is ungodly. I do. You?
Okay, either you see it or you don’t. No use for pages of material here.
And the third-most common demon to be found in church systems is slouch. That would be emergent church. That would be seeker-friendly church. That would be pastor-in-Hawaiian-shirt-and-flip-flops, dude! Oh yah, casual church! Can I hear a, “That’s cool, dude!”
Right. Or, not so right. Emergent gobbledygook is extremely toxic to a good mind. Even to a not-so-good mind, gobbledygook is still quite toxic!
The bible says, “Let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” Mathew 5:7. You said it, Jesus!
Slouch church is always saying things like this: “Hey guys, we need to be relevant and seeking. Remember, Christ never forgot you. How many of you know, it’s illogical to ask how-many-of-you-know questions and not count hands? If we just knew our problems are explained by one word, expectations! Don’t think, and don’t be disappointed. Have you voted socialist? You didn’t hear that! Remember, doctrinal discussions are divisive! So, don’t have them! Relationships! That’s the word! Impact! That’s another word. So is blah, blah. No, that’s two words. Disparate fluidity. That’s another two words. Impressed? That’s another word. Stream. Another. Stop. (Can’t!)
Such gobbledygook, whether in church, school or capitol, competes against everything else that is good that occupies your mind. Nonsense can and will replace sense, if allowed. Nonsense is a lie. Lies create death. Truth combats nonsense. Truth creates life. Life is better than death. Choose life. Therefore, void gobbledygook.
The above paragraph is from Western Enlightenment. It is reasonable. It makes sense. It is logical. It is industrious, even. You might even say it is godly.
But slouch-thought promulgation, as practiced by so many wolf-shepherds… well it is anti-Western Enlightenment, hence: un-correctable. It is unreasonable. It makes no sense. It is illogical. It is fearful, especially. You might even say it is ungodly. I do. You?
Okay, either you see it or you don’t. No use for pages of material here.
So there is what I hope you find a merciful short descript of churchianity’s three plagues: Greed, fear and slouch. Caution. Do not try to correct your leaders if they preach any of these three things. Remember, by definition greed, fear and slouch are anti-Western Enlightenment. Therefore, adherents of same are uncorrectable. Sorry. It’s just the way it is.
You might enjoy correction. Your friends and loved ones might. But no leader of greed, fear or slouch will ever stand to be corrected. It is stupid of us to think they might! They won’t! No, not ever!
If you want to keep walking higher with God, you’ll have to become an out-of-churcher, if you are not already. Or you will have to keep your mouth shut around the estupidos.
I find it vastly easier to simply not attend greed-fear-slouch church!
But happy will be the day if any greed-fear-slouch leaders repent! Oh, hallelujah, that would be a miracle! But they won’t, because they can’t, because they believe their doctrines.
Part of the problem is that those doctrines help the leaders to have faith. In effect, they pay their leaders well. Problem is, they are being paid by the duped! So it just beats up the faith of the duped?
Why does greed-fear-slouch help its leaders but hurt its duped followers? Because money is a rather fine guarantee against life’s unpleasantness. Greed-fear-slouch merchants receive good pay! That pay protects them from their own advice!
But the poor sheep, well that’s another matter! They receive terrible benefits from supporting merchants of greed-fear-slouch. Such sheep beat up their faith! They are at the bottom, not the top, of the Ponzi pyramid. They also receive little protection from the idiotic decisions one makes from greed, or fear or slouch! Too bad for them!
One would think this is all obvious, except for one strange thing. How do the deceivers deceive? I call it Nuero-Linguistic-Programming (NLP). Look it up. It is high, high witchcraft. It is the art of mind control. It is the alpha omega for shrunken-brain pastors creating shrunken-brain sheep.
And that, friends, we will wait to discuss in another chapter, as now I see that, just like Jesus said in John 16:12, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.”
Maybe even I can’t bear them now.
You? Didn’t think so.
Just remember:
No Greed!
No Fear!
Not any,
What’s Wrong with This Coin?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 10/3/08
What’s wrong with this coin?
This dark copper I have here,
One side has the face mask of greed,
The other, the face mask of fear.
Heads is the face mask of Prosperity:
Give to get anything.
Tails is the face mask of Rapture:
Fear missing the King.
I got this coin from being partners,
With preachers on TV,
They sell me one lie or the other,
I buy fear or greed.
But this coin buys nothing in heaven,
It’s not the coin of that realm,
Instead it’s the coin of lie making,
Where deception rules helm.
Fear and greed are two spirits,
Both not of God.
Funny, I got them from churches,
Few think it odd.
Some love fear but loath greed,
Hating the prosperity creed,
Others love greed but loath fear,
Thinking rapture is bad feed.
Fear and greed are just two faces,
Of Satan’s same wretched coin,
Fear and greed can’t get you to heaven,
They come from Satan’s loin.
I’ve never heard a prosperity preacher,
Who didn’t believe in the rapture,
I’ve never heard a rapture preacher,
Who my money didn’t need capture.
Fear and greed, greed and fear,
Emotional boom and bust,
Blessed are the courageous poor in spirit,
In God of heaven they trust.
Without worshipping fear and greed doctrines,
We can worship God in spirit and truth,
Jesus comes quickly to indwell such clean souls,
In whom devil lies and spirits do forsooth.
So if you want to truly miss the King,
Worship fear or greed,
Support prosperity and rapture ministries,
Your money they need.
They need your hard earned money to broadcast,
Lies all over the place,
They are driven to keep Christ from indwelling,
The whole human race.
But oh, how preachers and people do much love,
Doctrines of rapture and prosperity,
They keep hell busy minting fear and greed coinage,
For their hell on earth machine.
So what’s wrong with this fear and greed coin,
With smiling or frowning mask face?
Nothing, the coin separates truth from lie lovers,
And who will go to what place.
The Church of Emergent Gobbledygook
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/28/10
I went to church,
I was down on my luck,
I needed a plan,
To make a buck!
The church I went to,
Didn’t make much sense,
They told me it was,
Get this: Emergent!
Warm fuzzy! Warm fuzzy!
Blah, blah! Blah, blah! ABSURD!
Bein’ from New York,
I picked up their con,
I had a dream!
And I was reborn!
I would write a book,
Explaining: Emergent!
For every weak-brained,
Jabberwocky saint!
Warm fuzzy! Warm fuzzy!
Blah, blah! Blah, blah! ABSURD!
So I wrote my book,
And it made me rich!
‘Cause it tickled all ears,
With Emergent itch!
I explained the slick words of the,
Emergent Church under cover,
That words in Emergent Church mean,
Always one thing: WHATEVER!
Warm fuzzy! Warm fuzzy!
Blah, blah! Blah, blah! ABSURD!
Now, God is the Word,
And the Word is God,
To make Him Whatever,
They think: not odd!
You see, they don’t care what God thinks!
Because they say: So what? Who cares ever?
So now, I’m rich, they’re poor: God winks,
His mind: Still ours to discover!
Warm fuzzy! Warm fuzzy!
Blah, blah! Blah, blah! ABSURD!
Chapter 4 – Light –em Up! Strength, Courage and Humility
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/28/2011
With the bugaboos of greed, fear and slouch out of the way we are freer to discover some really good things in God. And the main thing now would be Openness to Higher Ground. That is something the political philosopher Eric Voegelin noticed about Western Enlightenment.
Western Enlightenment is always open to Higher Ground. You know, like Moses was. He turned aside to inquire about God’s Burning Bush. Good thing he did. He got rid of the Hebrew’s slavery, freed them up and changed history!
But you know, it’s not easy to be Open to Higher Ground, even though it was God’s original idea in the first place. I mean, let’s be honest! The LAST place you are ever going to find anyone open to Higher Ground is in churchianity! Don’t make me laught!
Okay, so here’s the deal. We are going to need three things to approach Higher Ground. We need strength, courage and humility. Let’s start with humility. If we have invested a lot in prosperity church, or rapture church or slouch church… it is hard to leave.
Again, we know we can’t correct the triple-headed beast of churchianity, but still… it is a hard thing to leave off. So grab a big portion of humble pie, eat it and say, “I regret buying their lies, I won’t anymore, and I’m outta here.”
Good, that didn’t hurt, did it? Sure it hurt! It always hurts to humble oneself.
By the way, I lifted “Strength, Courage and Humility” from Russian Martial Art. They have a saying, “The goal is to do permanent damage to one’s own ego!” Ha!
Next, it takes courage to leave insanity, err churchianity, because group-think is comforting! But you will find those old hymns, the bible’s proverbs, actually some of the sermons you remember… they were pretty good so long as you did what they said, not what the greed-fear-slouch leadership did!
“Though none go with me, I still will follow!” So, though your greed-fear-slouch group thinks you’re crazy, you might have to leave alone. That takes courage.
How do you get courage? Pray for it. Read Joshua’s first chapter, wherein it is mentioned four times! (Along with strength.)
And Joshua knew something about leaving Egypt, i.e. the world! (Even worldly religion!) He said it took strength and courage.
Where do you get these marvelous things? Well, you might try a good exercise program. As your body gains strength and courage, so also your soul and spirit.
Also, do everything in the right time. Not easily done, but great for maturity!
And figure, others have done it. You can too!
One benefit from leaving stupid doctrine, is that it no longer has the effect of shrinking your brain. It keeps shrinking the heads of folks enjoying greed-fear-slouch, but once you leave all that, you will enjoy a much greater mind.
And that’s the point: To improve your mind by getting rid of bad doxie, increasing your strength, courage and humility… so that finally the right doctrines get in (never easy!) and God gets to delight in your much-improved mind and thereby cohabitate it with you!
Oh my God, is that what is going on with In That Day Teachings?
Yes, yes and yes.
The goal is to get you fully invested by Christ-in-You-ness.
Well, why can’t God do that now, you might ask?
Well, God can do anything, of course. And He does, of course.
So nothing prevents God from inhabiting fully the minds of lotsa of folk with plenty of greed-fear-slouch in them. Only God doesn’t. Or I should say, He doesn’t much.
God does NOT occupy the minds of the greedy-fearful-slouchy because it would confuse people when they saw Him doing it. Nothing like God Almighty in a fearful person! You see, it’s too conflicted. Also, it’s too dangerous.
God-indwelling is primarily for the mature. And true maturity usually consists of some noteworthy levels of strength, courage and humility.
Because a God-indwelt person has chosen, and usually chosen for a long time, strength over weakness, courage over fear and humility over pride.
And don’t get me talking about pride! Okay, I will. Pride is the number one killer in churchianity. The only thing that kills pride is humility. Ask Job. Ask Satan, even. (Just kidding.)
God simply does not like pride.
So use humility.
Use courage.
Try even,
I am a Man of the Cloth
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 9/28/08
I went to the convenience store,
To buy a Diet Envy-Me Coke,
And to get me a smoke,
A Golden Cancer Prosperity Cigar!
Funny thing was, the man said to me clear,
We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
No sir, We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
He says to me, We got a special:
One hundred percent off,
That means to you it’s for free!
Humble pie, cases and cases, piled to the sky,
That means it’s all you can eat!
I says to him, You got anything else?
He says, I got a box of Orthodox Soap.
You got to be kiddin’ man, that’s not for me!
Maybe it’d work on the Pope!
Nah, it ain’t for the Pope,
It’s for you, Man of the Cloth,
Now this guy’s giving me ministry!
He says, The pie and the soap,
It ain’t no joke,
Heaven hopes it’ll set you free.
I gets out of there fast,
I go to my friend,
My Everything’s Cool Christian Saint.
I says, Gimme a little bag,
No make it big, friend,
Of Lung Bustin’, Seeker Friendly Mary Jane!
Funny thing was, the man said to me clear,
We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
No sir, We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
He says to me, We got a special:
One hundred percent off,
That means to you it’s for free!
Humble pie, cases and cases, piled to the sky,
That means it’s all you can eat!
I says to him, You got anything else?
He says, I got a box of Orthodox Soap.
You got to be kiddin’ man, that’s not for me!
Maybe it’d work on the Pope!
Nah, it ain’t for the Pope,
It’s for you, Man of the Cloth,
Now this guy’s giving me ministry!
He says, The pie and the soap,
It ain’t no joke,
Heaven hopes it’ll set you free.
I gets out of there fast,
I go to my liquor store,
I says, Gimme a six pack,
No make it four,
Of Kick Me Rapture Fear Beer!
Funny thing was, the man said to me clear,
We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
No sir, We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
He says to me, We got a special:
One hundred percent off,
That means to you it’s for free!
Humble pie, cases and cases, piled to the sky,
That means it’s all you can eat!
I says to him, You got anything else?
He says, I got a box of Orthodox Soap.
You got to be kiddin’ man, that’s not for me!
Maybe it’d work on the Pope!
Nah, it ain’t for the Pope,
It’s for you, Man of the Cloth,
Now this guy’s giving me ministry!
He says, The pie and the soap,
It ain’t no joke,
Heaven hopes it’ll set you free.
I gets out of there fast,
I go to my natural food store,
I says, Gimme a big pot,
No make it two more,
Of Rainbow Prophecy Rat Stew!
Funny thing was, the man said to me clear,
We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
No sir, We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
He says to me, We got a special:
One hundred percent off,
That means to you it’s for free!
Humble pie, cases and cases, piled to the sky,
That means it’s all you can eat!
I says to him, You got anything else?
He says, I got a box of Orthodox Soap.
You got to be kiddin’ man, that’s not for me!
Maybe it’d work on the Pope!
Nah, it ain’t for the Pope,
It’s for you, Man of the Cloth,
Now this guy’s giving me ministry!
He says, The pie and the soap,
It ain’t no joke,
Heaven hopes it’ll set you free.
I gets out of there fast,
I go to my favorite bar,
I says, Gimme a glass,
No make it a jar,
Of Worship Weakness Praise Whiskey!
Funny thing was, the man said to me clear,
We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
No sir, We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
He says to me, We got a special:
One hundred percent off,
That means to you it’s for free!
Humble pie, cases and cases, piled to the sky,
That means it’s all you can eat!
I says to him, You got anything else?
He says, I got a box of Orthodox Soap.
You got to be kiddin’ man, that’s not for me!
Maybe it’d work on the Pope!
Nah, it ain’t for the Pope,
It’s for you, Man of the Cloth,
Now this guy’s giving me ministry!
He says, The pie and the soap,
It ain’t no joke,
Heaven hopes it’ll set you free.
I gets out of there fast,
I go to my pharmacy friend, Jim,
Jim lets me in,
Sees the shape I’m in,
And he says, I know,
I know what you need!
You need Jabberwocky Tizzy, or Emotional Ecstasy,
Or Mojo-Jive Talking Witchcraft Control LSD,
Or Patronizing Platitude-Laced Bubblegum Drops,
Or Intellectual Glue-Sniff, or Ego Pander Schnapps!
Funny thing was, the man said to me clear,
We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
No sir, We ain’t got none of that old stuff, you hear?
He says to me, We got a special:
One hundred percent off,
That means to you it’s for free!
Humble pie, cases and cases, piled to the sky,
That means it’s all you can eat!
I says to him, You got anything else?
He says, I got a box of Orthodox Soap.
You got to be kiddin’ man, that’s not for me!
Maybe it’d work on the Pope!
Nah, it ain’t for the Pope,
It’s for you, Man of the Cloth,
Now this guy’s giving me ministry!
He says, The pie and the soap,
It ain’t no joke,
Heaven hopes it’ll set you free.
I says,
I know what I’m immersed in,
I can’t let something else in,
No Humble Pie or Orthodox Soap.
That’s for petty dictators,
Mental abusers and sheep-rapers,
Bug off! I’m a Man of the Cloth!
With your pie and your soap,
You give me no hope,
You want me to watch what spirits I am of?
That’s never for me, it’s for you,
And for who I preach to,
Bug off! I’m a Man of the Cloth!
You eat your own Humble Pie,
Certainly not I,
And wash yourself with Orthodox Soap,
Deal with your inner demons, they are my only friends,
I need change like a hangman needs rope.
Bug off! I’m a Man of the Cloth!
Chapter 5 – Stop, Not so Fast? Or, Don’t Stop – KEEP GOING!
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/28/2011
Hold your horses, Robert Winkler Burke, you might be saying at this time. Whoa! Stop!
Or, like Festus said, with a loud voice no less, “Paul thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.” (Acts 26:24)
Well, I’m not mad. Or at least I don’t think I am.
Here is what you are probably used to. When the typical pastor at the church of go-along gets to his highest possible level in God, he might pull out these three predictable admonitions.
Pastor Shrunken-brain usually has certain well-known memes.
(Ooh, that reminds me. Learn to somewhat distrust the bible expositor who never uses a word outside the bible. Like memes. Like hazard. Like puerility. Like nugatory building programs. Like mesmerizing. Like thousands of words that God gives us, but 800-page-bible-bound-in-rigidity leaders-with-blinders CAN’T!)
You see, since Shrunken-brain pastors can’t understand, much less teach, a) Christ-in-You-ness, b) Western Enlightenment and c) Higher Teachings… they must sadly resort to something worthyof their small faith.
And those three memes usually appear as follows. Oh congregation, please become extremely guilty because of the great a) love existing or b) persecution existing in certain non-Western church environs. Or, if that gets boring, the pastor might revert to c) spewing limitless bible-speak erudition which ISN”T!
In all three cases, the low-goal is to create tons of guilt. Hang down your head, Tom Dooley! It’s all sort of granfalloonish, referring to Kurt Vonnegut’s description of a “false karass,” that is a group of people who outwardly choose or claim to have a shared identity or purpose, but whose mutual association is actually meaningless.
Yes, you might say… but pastors harping on Third World Christian a) love or b) persecution or c) bible-speak un-intelligentsia is what we might be used to. And we might believe it’s all harmless anyway.
Well, I want to challenge the idea that shrunken-head churchianity is harmless because it isn’t.
You see, Western Enlightenment will teach us that we just might have a duty to do what King David did in his time, which was to serve his generation. Well, he did such a good job that his work keeps serving generations of all times!
Wouldn’t that be nice if we could do that as well? After all, lots have! Abraham Lincoln’s wisdom serves us today! Edison’s light bulb and electric transmission still does! Henry Ford’s production line! Steve Jobs’ iPhone and computer devices! Guttenberg’s printing of the bible!
The list of Western Enlightenment accomplishments is endless. But you know something? The list of churchianity’s accomplishments is mighty short. Mighty short indeed.
Because practically everything in society is advancing at breakneck speeds while church isn’t. Hm. What’s up with that? Lots, actually.
It seems God has kept his restraining hand over church power because with the silly doctrines churchianity embraces… increased power would be nothing but harmful and implosive.
And isn’t that exactly what you see with the unreformed Christian Broadcasters? They experience serial implosions, never take correction and handle power and fame extremely poorly. This is all a Mark 16:20 reverse sign that truth is sorely missing in them!
But beside the hypnotically entrancing Christian Broadcasters proving they have not truth in them, why should we bother to trudge through the difficult and demanding thought-growth required to understand In That Day Teachings?
One word: Socialism. It is the plague of mankind. And it takes a mature mind, keen of state and courageous of nature to penetrate socialism’s cloud of darkness and sheer, horrid, wicked almost-immitigable, absolute evil.
With spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear, hidden enslavement seems to be just about everywhere. Why? Because churchianity has been asleep at the wheel. It has botched its job. Heck, it doesn’t even know its job.
Churchianity has allowed, nay rather, encouraged Socialism. If Socialism continues to succeed, it will kill much of Christianity. And how smart is it that we allow that?
So, yes: Church must rise up and figure out what happened that Socialism became the hope of shrunken-brain man, and how to pitch the good fight against shrunken-brain-promulgation in general and Socialism in particular.
I recommend to you modern political philosophers, who have traced the fascinating, if morbid, accomplishments of brave Socialists, from the Frankfurt School, to Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barrack Hussein Obama. A century of insanity. And it keeps multiplying!
Well then, it’s not surprising that a pulpit-puppeteer who shears his sheep has little to no interest in stopping a politician-puppeteer who sheers the same sheep! Wink, wink! They wink at each other! Wink, wink!
My guess is that when the income tax was created in the United States, thinking theologians might have objected. Until, that is, churches were offered a non-profit status. Deal done, and BINGO, churchianiy automatically became non-prophet.
What I’m saying is, why stick with 800-page-narrowly-defined-scripture-exeges when the world is being enslaved by a hundred-year-march into a socialist enslavement trap? God gave us Western Enlightenment as a work-around tool when churchianity fails the bible. It’s God’s genius work-around solution to get his sheep out of an endless loop!
Still not buying? How about this from Western Enlightenment’s economic arena:
“The ideas of economists and political philosophers… both when they are right and when they are wrong are more powerful than is commonly understood… Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence… are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.” -- John Maynard Keynes (The unfree, elite-rule proponent loved by Socialists)
Versus the following:
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.” F. A. Hayek (Free individual proponent loved by freedom lovers, from Ronald Reagan to Tea Party members)
Churchianity says sheep are not to detect economic enslavement? If not, why not? Because sheep that could discern between Keynesian tax-and-spend politicians and Austrian Economics-loving politicians who cut tax and spending… could also discern if a churchianity wolf-shepherd was shearing his own!
For too long, churchianity has been involved with unchecked, circular reasoning designed to keep minds small enough that they can’t detect the miniature nature of gray matter between their leader’s ears.
So, what is the solution?
Carry on, carry on, carry on with In That Day Teachings! The Rosetta stone of a) Christ-in-You-ness, b) Western Enlightenment and c) Higher Teachings shall prove out to be a great provider of peace.
With the above triumvirate, we shall have peace and accord with all of humanity of earnest goodwill. We shall easily team up in harmony with all good humans whenever and however.
Then again, we shall have the proper discord and distance with all of humanity that is not of earnest goodwill. These teachings provide an inherent truth detector that, in the great big scheme of things, never fails to indicate who is naughty and who is nice.
What I am trying to say is this. The big problem in America in 1860 was slavery. Man dominated man. Unbelievably, the proponents of that peculiar institution made grand arguments in its defense! Yet man had to war with man to get rid of slavery.
Today we find much the same. Except the slavery is hidden. It is slavery of thought. And it is slavery coming from, unbelievably, clerical and political mystic tyranny!
So, the pulpit cannot seem to help the pulpit. Isaiah put it this way in Chapter 28:
7But even these reel from wine and stagger from strong drink: the priest and the prophet reel from strong drink; they are confused from wine, they stagger and are gone astray through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble when pronouncing judgment.
8For all the tables are full of filthy vomit, so that there is no place that is clean.
Strong words there, Isaiah.
May we be so strong.
And courageous.
And humble.
The Ring of Truth
A Poem Shaped like a Bell
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 1/15/06
Friend, did you
Know for whom the bell
Tolls? It tolls for souls so well.
Each lie that is told and told bold
Each lie that is loved and then sold
Diminishes your spirit, if truth be told.
Truly, lies cannot but sound a bad knell
But the sound of truth, it rings a clear bell.
I pray
Can you tell?
If you can tell truth resonates like a heavenly bell,
And lies crack like a twisted, conniving, broken hell.
Then you will
Do well.
To Which We Say, Hear! Hear!
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 10/3/08
Each week I go down to my local dive,
My friends gather near,
We like to celebrate each Friday night,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
We’re all pastors, men of the cloth,
But denominations we fear,
We’re rather independent Christian leaders,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
We shun oversight and correction,
At rebuke we leer,
We’re too mature to be imperfect,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
One says, Hardy-har! My brothers,
I’m buying the beer,
With my widows’ mite donations!
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Another says, I’ll top that, maties,
At the red light house near,
We shall all go on credit but not pay!
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Another says, Is there anything, friends,
We wouldn’t do insincere?
One said, We ask the poor to make us rich!
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Thank God for TV broadcasting, he said,
Where our eye is queer,
Behold, what uncorrected broadcast can do!
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
I bought a twenty million dollar personal jet,
Says one, Ooh that’s dear!
Another says, I got a mega-million parsonage!
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
I’m a stage show hypnotist! I’m a mind controller!
Our congregation we jeer.
I sired a son, our new pastor, by my brother’s wife!
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Nothing stops us from spiritual and literal adultery,
We do it with whatever’s near,
Nothing on earth really stops us from doing anything!
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
We all love each other so much,
When we leave we shall shed a tear,
We really can’t brag about each other enough,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Now we’re drunk and stumbling unable to tell,
Just which is front or rear,
Our tables are full of our own vomit,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Before we pass out in heavenly depravity,
Or the police come in riot gear,
We salute all escapology doxie enabling us,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
We love eternal security, we love the rapture,
We love Jesus to appear,
Some day in the sky to reward our good works,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Those escapist doxies let us do anything,
Even abomination is dear,
We’re desolate of God, truth and all honor,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
We believe Trickster-knowledgy Dominion Theology,
With governments second tier,
So our carnal appetites will rule the world with Christ!
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
We whoop and holler when the band plays our song,
A country classic premier:
“We’re All Here ‘Cause Our Doxie’s Not All There!”
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Yes, betcha’ didn’t know that your pastors,
Would from heaven so downward veer,
Come believe with us nothing much matters,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
That’s why we need so much money,
For consciences to sear,
It takes much propaganda to make lies the truth,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Come join us, never mind doctrinal verity,
Look in the filthy bar mirror,
Be in with the in crowd, be loud and proud,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
My God, is it really that bad, you ask,
Can you believe your ear?
We think anything and live with our thoughts,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
An unexamined life is really not worth the living,
But such truth we smear,
We smear all truths and exalt all convenient lies,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
This is too clever, too unseen, to hidden, you say,
For Christian believers mere,
Antichrist leaders parade as being Christ everywhere,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
But no party lasts forever, and one day judgment,
Will come from a peer,
You might ask us, Deep in our souls, did we know?
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
You, as inquisitor, just might ask for explanation,
You’ll ask, Did for many a year,
We go along and get along with all damn things?
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
You’ll say, Then this explains much: Why there,
Often was imploding career,
You never fixed your own doxies or bad spirits,
To which we say, Hear! Hear!
Later, you will look for the likes of us in heaven,
A place that we now cheer,
You’ll ask if we’re not in heaven, are we in hell?
To which we’ll say, Here! Here!
Chapter 6 – Job: Rigid Righteousness vs. Holy Flexibility
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/28/2011
Ah, the story of Job. God has told me some funny things about it. Unique, even!
But first, know what most preachers say about it. Search the internet, even. Most preachers will say that Job is all about suffering, and why we’ll never know. They quote the “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.”
But you know what? That is just Job 13:15 a. Want to know what the rest of the verse says? It says, “but I will maintain mine own ways before him.”
Hm… Now that is interesting. The world is taught about Job based upon a partial scripture reference. What’s up with that?
But first, I must admit that regarding all suffering, we may indeed never know all things. Some suffering seems to be completely inexplicable. But not Job’s. No way.
My understanding that Job was a classic archetype of a rigid-righteous fellow. And that has its goods. And it also has its bads.
After all, the last page of the bible admonishes the righteous to be righteous and the holy, holy. Which makes me wonder, what’s up with that?
Well, here is what. From sinner to saint life is like the shape of an hourglass. At the bottom, sinner is free and open and wide to be able to perform any and all sin. Want to rob a bank, you ask the sinner? He says, sure!
Then sinner meets God somewhere along the line and he has to clean up his act. He learns the rules. And therein many get stuck. They become rigid-righteous. They say, What would Jesus do? Instead of, What would Jesus have me do? Big difference.
Rigid-Righteous folk live in the land of platitudes. They have God formulized! God is right there in their pocket, see? You don’t see that? Well, the Rigid-Righteous do! And they protesteth to much! (Another Mark 16:20 reverse sign!)
God loves and allows Rigid-Righteous folk. It is a necessary condition for many saints-in-the-making. Nevertheless, it also sucks.
Who wants a Rigid-Righteous boss? I tell you, no one! Who wants a Rigid-Righteous God? Well, Muslim Extremists seem to enjoy one like that.
But in the history of war, generals who are rigid lose. Who do they lose to? To flexible generals. What about soldiers? What should they prefer? Flexible generals. Why?
In war, great generals often have written great books about military doctrine. Oops. The opposing generals read those books. Clever opposing generals then think, and think and think. Then they think of a wicked box-trap to put the other general’s army into. Then, the general who has read the other fellow’s book, he knows just how that army will react. And then with luck, our happy reader has defeated the other general – using his own book as a weapon against him!
See what I’m up to? Could Satan do this to sheep taught the regime of Rigid-Righteousness? You betcha’. Hence, Rigid-Righteous sheep are easy for the enemy to slaughter.
Now hold on a minute, here Robert, you might say. Where’s God in all of this?
God is right where you might expect Him to be. Which, of course, is on the side of victory. You know, God is a man of war? Yup. Exodus 15:3. And my guess is, He’s a pretty good man of war, maybe even the best there is.
And that would make Him holy-flexible, which would make Him, err, undefeatable.
You see, in the history of war it is the flexible generals who always outwit their opponents. Even their individual soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen can join in the fun.
How, you ask, can individuals in the military enjoy flexibility? Here’s how. They learn the High Teaching of “There are no fixed rules, only guidelines.” US Marine Corps tactics manuals state this. “Leaders must remember that there are no fixed rules and no precise checklists, but there are bounds…” And, “no fixed rules that can be applied automatically, and every situation is different.”
Here is the URL: (U.S. Marine Corps “Tactics” MCDP 1-3.) The first sentence of the manual explains much: “This publication is about winning in combat.” The last sentence of this paragraph says, “Wining in combat depends upon tactical leaders who can think creatively and act decisively.”
Hm.. Is God creative? Of course! Is He decisive? Naturally. Did He breathe His Spirit into us? We hope so!
This creativity under extreme duress is address by the United State’s Federal Aviation Authority, FAA. Their rules allow for a commercial pilot to break rules during an emergency so that the plane can be safely landed and lives saved. Why is this? Because the FAA is a sharp organization and realizes it cannot possible write a book that tells what the right thing a pilot should do in an emergency would be. It takes a humble organization to do this. And one that trusts individuals, i.e. pilots, to do the right thing!
Further, consider the First Commandment. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. What, pray tell might those gods be? How about fixed rules and rigidity? Yes, those gods must not come before the true God. Hence, the First, well, Guideline!
So how is this Holy-Flexibility proved in the Book of Job? Well, Job was a perfect archetype of a Rigid-Righteous person. Hence he was (Chapter 1:1) “perfect and upright, and one that feared God, an eschewed evil.” Right. But not so right, actually.
Apparently, God wanted Job to deliver a story through his epic life that we in modernity could learn by. And we haven’t much, so far! Perhaps In That Day Teachings can help!
Okay, so here is are some keys to unlocking the book of Job, which as you know is said to be the oldest book in the bible. So, have you noticed the book is kind of strange and different? Like it comes from another era, if not planet?
Four men gather for a week and don’t talk? Then they each blab and blab! Each man speaks three times! Twelve long soliloquies, where they each go on and on waiting for some kind of magic confirmation or something? And this Elihu kid? He speaks and then the Lord’s voice speaks in a storm. The Lord speaks of leviathan, a rather mysterious beast. Job says he gets it. The other three men don’t. Happy, happy. The three men get instructions. Job gets double what he lost. End of story.
Conclusion of majority of preachers? When bad things happen to good people, we never know why! Say what?
What if Job was, in fact, Rigid-Righteous? And God wanted him to be able to see with the eyes of the spirit and become Holy-Flexible? Ah… that makes more sense.
Then who is this Elihu and what were the three friends for? Well friends, here is what I believe:
The three friends were also great men, but Rigid-Righteous themselves. But they knew more than a thing or two about the Higher Ways of God. After each of their speeches, they hoped to have God’s confirming voice boom out of their mouths, and basically, prove who was the most Rigid-Righteous. Except it didn’t happen. Man, I would have liked to have seen the expression on their faces!
Now young Elihu, he was taking notes. And he probably knew what the others didn’t. Like all four men, he probably did some serious inquiry with God as to what was what with Job. But unlike the four men, Elihu was likely Holy-Flexible already (somehow!) and he was told by God what was up. Namely, Elihu likely knew about God’s betting program with Satan. Except God told Elihu not to mention anything, unless the other men knew as well. Which they didn’t. So Elihu just sat there taking notes and witnessing how proud the Rigid-Righteous can be.
In fact, this pride-fest the four men were having about themselves must have really grated on Elihu quite a lot. He must have said in his mind, okay, I’m going to do this job for God in the most humble way possible, as a sign (again, Mark 16:20 sign confirming!) for all the generations that ever read The Book of Job.
Okay then, what did Elihu do? Well, unlike the following prophets who included in their holy missives who was speaking for the Lord, Elihu didn’t. Likely as not, Elihu believed seekers would be smart enough to figure out what was what.
Sadly, in this one thing Elihu erred greatly. Because the Book of Job has become one gigantic cosmic enforcer of the Rigid-Righteous. Smokin’ Leviathon! Elihu must be spinning in his grave, causing earthquakes no less!
But I challenge you, dear reader, to look at all of Elihu’s inclusions and exclusions during the Lord’s voice-overs, and this theory fits perfectly.
So, ahem, where was I? Oh yes, Elihu waits until the other proud pontificators are done and then he speaks. And lo and behold, his is the voice that booms out the Lord’s understanding of the matter. And what, pray tell is that?
God, who if you remember speaks in a sort of Moses-like language above our normal full comprehension, starts talking about nature and animals. Why? Because, if he boomed out, “Job, you are a screw up royal!” then I do believe Job would have died then and there on the spot! And God didn’t want the Devil to win, now did he?
So God gentles Job in on the subject of pride. He talks about this thing, that thing (it’s best if you trace this line of reasoning yourself for confirmation) and finally, God lowers the boom. God talks about Leviathan, who ain’t no dinosaur dear reader!
Leviathan is pride, the mother of all God’s trouble on earth! Leviathan is just an allegorical thing that keeps Job alive and not burnt toast! Come on, where’s your fear of God, dear reader!
Well, if you can follow this so far, it is quite understandable that Job gets it. Pride and Rigid-Righteousness just doesn’t cut the mustard when God says it’s time to grow up! And grow up Job did.
Chapter 42, Amplified Bible:
1THEN JOB said to the Lord,
2I know that You can do all things, and that no thought or purpose of Yours can be restrained or thwarted.
3[You said to me] Who is this that darkens and obscures counsel [by words] without knowledge? Therefore [I now see] I have [rashly] uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.(A)
4[I had virtually said to You what You have said to me:] Hear, I beseech You, and I will speak; I will demand of You, and You declare to me.
5I had heard of You [only] by the hearing of the ear, but now my [spiritual] eye sees You.
6Therefore I loathe [my words] and abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.
Ah, so! Very inscrutable yet wise, so very wise of God to do what He did how He did!
Now, the three friends don’t get it. But God wants them to get it, to also become Holy-Flexible. Then there would be five of them at least! So God speaks again through Elihu, and again Elihu doesn’t reference himself directly – mistakenly thinking seers would understand, which they haven’t so far!
In verse 7 and 8 God through Elihu tells the three friends to take seven bullocks and seven rams to Job and offer a burnt offering, and that Job will pray for them, and God says He’ll accept Job’s prayer to stop God’s anger at these knuckleheads. So everybody did what they were supposed to.
In verse 11 all Job’s brothers and sisters and all who had known him before (which presumably includes the three friends) gathered and comforted Job and gave him money and each an earring of gold.
This is interesting, indeed, because the bible elsewhere tells us if one gives a cup of cold water to either a righteous man or a holy man, the giver will not fail to get his reward. Wonder what that reward could be? Could it be the opportunity to become righteous, the opportunity to become holy? If so, Job’s friends were in line for certain upgrades!
And so, this shows the love of God’s heart. He likes to hide a thing. He likes to reveal a thing. This is what He revealed to me in the story of Job.
God wants us to be like Jesus. Jesus could see the hand of Father God moving. In real time, Jesus could do this!
Come to think of it, it was like Elihu could do and Job and his friends could not. Not until, well, how did Lonesome Dove put it? They had a sign on their ranch. It was in Latin. It said, “Uva uvam vivendo varia fit”. This cobbled saying has been interpreted to mean a grape changes color, i.e. ripens or matures, when it sees another grape that has done so.
Heady material, here. Elihu was that mature grape. And he saw his older compadres were stuck in pride and Rigid-Righteousness. So he wrote himself out of the story, as a witness to the power of humility. He must have felt if he was to boast like the four men did, he might lose maturity in the Lord and defeat God’s will in his own life.
Still and so, the point is that it takes honoring the maturity of your mentor, to get out of the muck of prideful Rigid-Righteousness. And that, by definition, is an almost impossible thing to accomplish!
God Himself comments,
Job 41:8
Lay your hand upon him! Remember your battle with him; you will not do [such an ill-advised thing] again!
It’s funny, if you think about it! God is sort of complaining back to Job, after listening to the four men bellyache for a week! God says, look at it from My perspective. In fact, once you get this thing, you’ll be the mature grape helping the prideful, Rigid-Righteous knuckleheads yourself. It’s worse than fighting an imaginary leviathan! There is no allegory strong enough to accurately describe or prepare you for heaven’s fight against earth-man’s pride, especially – get this Job – man’s pride in Rigid-Righteousness.
In fact, there I go. There, I, Robert Winkler Burke go.
Go where, you ask?
Well, the more anointed a fellow gets, the more likely he is to drift into the voice of the Lord! It is SO embarrassing. And it is not the time or the place, me thinks.
And that sort of me-thinking can get a fellow in trouble with God.
Because I do not want to offend you with utterances from on High.
I just want you to get the Higher Thought involved in the Book of Job.
And I think you do, now. Right?
Oops, except I forgot to finish the hourglass analogy. Most of churchianity is stuck in shrunken-brain Rigid Righteous territory. Which for an hourglass, is that narrow middle spot that the sand flows through. What’s above in that wide open territory?
You guessed it, the Holy-Flexible. Why, they can eat corn on the Sabbath, like Jesus! They can eat the forbidden showbread when on the run, like David! They can be like Paul and preach to the open-to-Higher-Ground, mature-of-thought Greeks, not those Rigid-Righteous circumcising early Jew-Christian combos that were so conflicted!
So, have you got it?
Holy Flexibility is key. Key to what? Key to Christ-in-You-ness, that’s what.
When you become Holy Flexible, you qualify at a much higher level to be a pleasing abode for Christ to indwell.
And that’s not bad, not bad at all.
Not bad for an In That Day’s work!
Stuck in Rigid Righteousness
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 1/28/09
Stuck in rigid righteousness,
In everything we do,
Stuck in rigid righteousness,
So right in making rue.
So much we do turns out bad,
As we follow rigid rules,
Enslaving better, softer souls,
Using rules as tools.
The rules we worship are enslavers,
Our rules say we are right,
We enslave so many better others,
As we proudly, stiffly fight.
Stuck in rigid righteousness,
We hate the pure, flexible wise who see,
We have only one great power,
Pride in cureless, rigid righteous glee.
Job’s Desolate Comforters
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 6/23/10
Feeling desolate,
Are Job’s comforters,
Hating the imbued,
Slinging barbed arrows!
Their world of accusation,
Not sublime: slime!
Their harsh condemnation,
Bad time, bad rhyme!
Feeling in-filled,
And at peace,
Not Job’s comforters,
Young Elihu sees!
Let Elihu speak,
And teach all: The Way!
Job’s comforters next,
In whom has God’s sway.
Each of us on course,
For God’s indwelling,
Once Job’s comforters,
Cease and desist selling.
Selling compound lies that,
They know the mind of God all,
‘Fess up: We’re rigid righteous!
God: flexible, and us: small!
Once learnt: God is flexible,
And does precisely as He chooses,
The proud rigid turn around,
Thus, flexibly imbued: who loses?
Who loses,
Are the yet unyielding rigid,
Who for now,
Remain, un-warmed by light, frigid.
So sacrosanct, they pray,
For Jesus to quickly return,
Yet spit on neighbor’s face,
In whom Christ’s love light does burn.
And the uncorrectable idiots in charge,
Of Christian religion and great teaching,
Want their Christianity just as they say,
Give in whom Christ has come: a beating.
And so we in whom Christ is,
Take the beating with sad eyes,
Until those doing God a favor,
See their own tragic disguise.
The Saga of Polar Opposites: Loose and Rigid
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 3/26/11
The loose must find structure,
The rigid: flexibility,
The wise who realize this,
Discover: way to be.
The most loose of spirit,
Usually tend to be liberals,
Rigid: most oft conservative,
Each to each: fighting generals!
Each stuck in own way,
Each with own history,
Like gender hatred,
Begetting misogyny.
Yet the rigid still need to be loose!
And the loose: more rigid!
As steam changed the water too hot,
Reverse: ice, too frigid!
Between loose-liberal and nemesis,
Rigid-conservative: is highest wisdom,
Which is truth: God’s natural law vein,
Each side can mind-mine to get some.
But neither side can see too much,
If they don’t bury prejudice’s hatchet,
Then each side can become one,
With God, indwelt: the humble catch it!
It takes a wiser, bigger mind to see this,
And soul even bigger to follow,
The God-indwelt now do things great,
But those in pride, can’t swallow!
Few, far too few indeed,
Swallow pride full gulp,
But it’s what so many need,
To see outside: cult.
To see outside polar cult influences,
Takes surviving many cleansing, death-blow strikes,
It isn’t, my friend, that God hates us,
It’s just that living inside us: is what He likes!
So In That Day,
God loves living in us,
But THAT requires,
What it takes: to win us!
And what do we find, lo and behold?
His indwelt are more flexible than the lost loose!
And far stronger than the most rigid!
Turns out God-in-us, well, just hates to lose!
You’ll find this out after losing extremes,
By and by,
When suddenly, our most sovereign extreme,
God is nigh!
Who is Flexible?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 12/29/10
Rigid, Radical Muslims,
Want to control the world,
Because they hate the flexible!
Rigid PC Socialists,
Want to control the world,
Because they hate the flexible!
Rigid Church Leaders,
Want to control the world,
Because they hate the flexible!
Christ wants to indwell the world,
So that we control ourselves,
Because God’s love is flexible!
Chapter 7 – Who’s That Knocking on Your Door?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/29/2011
Who’s that knocking on your door? The door to your spirit? Christ-in-You, that’s who.
And he’s been knocking on that door for a long time, since you were born. Same for me. Same for just about everybody. Now, I’m not talking about baby Christians here. Sure, they invite Jesus in their hearts when they start out. And they need lots of milk, as Paul mentions.
Rather, I would like to talk about steak-feeding of Christians. This is when Christ-in-You really comes into play. Don’t believe me? Would you believe Paul? Here’s the Message Bible’s way of putting it:
26-29This mystery has been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it's out in the open. God wanted everyone, not just Jews, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God's glory. It's that simple. That is the substance of our Message. We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the Message. We teach in a spirit of profound common sense so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less. That's what I'm working so hard at day after day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me.
Notice, “this mystery” not one of many mysteries. The mystery of God, according to Paul, appears to be Christ-in-You. (Pun intended! “appears to be…” get it?)
And, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God… in others, get it?
The subject is herein is proffered more casual than serious, because nothing kills the spirit quicker than stuck-in-bible-language talk! In fact, I don’t want to make arguments for Christ-in-You. The subject is so ethereal that a baby Christian will not get it, no matter how cogently I write. But maturing and mature Christians will see.
So, I choose to defer to the language of poetry. The following poems explains Christ-in-You-ness:
Where I Hide Myself
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 6/9/10
I like to hide Myself,
I like to hide in you!
My cloud in your cloud face,
All you I can imbue!
All with eyes to see,
Love: you-in-Me,
All who cannot see,
Hate: you-in-Me!
As it was with the disciples,
So it is with you,
They’ll hang, beat, whip or imprison,
Any Christian true!
To others I say, It doesn’t take,
Memorizing scripture,
To others I say, Where is your,
Faith in Cross’ picture?
I died NOT that you,
Can win your scripture debate wars!
I died to STOP that,
Indwelt, heaven on earth now soars!
I AM like a Great Big Elephant,
Ignored in a crowded room,
Ignored by people full of scripture,
Each a scripture-filled tomb!
Will you see Me in others?
Will you let Me have you quickened heaven?
The question In That Day,
Who prides in being desolate leaven?
Light ‘em Up!
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/26/11
When traveling this land,
And darkness, you can’t stand,
And you see a bright quirk in your fellow!
Don’t play smash-the-mole,
That’s dumb church’s role,
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Say, Oh sir! Say, Woman!
Say, Child! This is most grand!
Christ-in-You is shining in great power!
Don’t play smash-the-mole,
That’s dumb church’s role,
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
They will respond quick, quick!
They’ll say it makes others sick!
Say, It’s Christ’s eyes convicting sinners of sin!
Don’t play smash-the-mole,
That’s dumb church’s role,
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Tell them their glow, don’t you know!
Is just like Moses of old!
It’s Christ-in-You, behold: come quickly NOW!
Don’t play smash-the-mole,
That’s dumb church’s role,
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Tell them to shepherd it wisely,
Sometimes it needs, yes, disguising,
Yet, honor Christ-in-You in all others!
Don’t play smash-the-mole,
That’s dumb church’s role,
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
If they’re sharp, they’ll salute Christ back!
God bearing is real, not just yak!
Christ-in-You is what the world has been waiting for!
Don’t play smash-the-mole,
That’s dumb church’s role,
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Say, it’s checked with Western Enlightenment,
Plus Higher Teachings stop its en-blightenment,
Christ-in-You, when well managed, is In That Day: full come NOW!
Don’t play smash-the-mole,
That’s dumb church’s role,
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
And you will humbly, yet clearly see!
Christ increases wonderfully free!
Swallow pride, and help Christ do greater works in another!
Don’t play smash-the-mole,
That’s dumb church’s role,
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Light ‘em up!
Deciphering the Bible’s Last Two Chapters
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright June 12, 2009
Revelation Chapters 21, 22
The last two chapters of the Bible,
Proclaim from John, an angel, Father, Son and Spirit,
The past, the present, the future,
For all learned-and-prepared-by-God ears to hear it.
Will come a time,
Called In That Day,
When how it is to be,
Comes right away.
It’s not rapture,
Not always Armageddon,
Not prosperity,
Just, in fact, God’s Son come!
But He’s not coming,
As most people think,
Not as His single Self,
But: Behold, in a blink!
In a blink of an eye,
He comes suddenly,
In whom we dismiss,
As too spirit free!
The too unrestrained,
The too, well frankly, crazy,
The too unconventional,
The ones in humility!
The blessed, happy souls,
In whom God delights in,
Get God’s mind-power.
By Jesus manifesting.
The, oh my God,
It can’t be true!
Jesus not in some,
But in chosen few!
Deny, deny, deny!
Says the religious world,
For two-thousand years,
Deny this truth unfurl!
Keep discoverers marginalized,
And proved insane,
Who say Jesus comes quickly,
They are, they say, a bane.
The knowledge that: Behold,
Jesus comes quickly,
Is a bane to all whom God views,
Their religion as sickly.
Honor is due to whom,
God indwells in truth,
But all who despise this,
God tends to forsooth.
God is no respecter of persons,
Just worshippers in spirit and truth,
After two millennia of denial,
What has the church world got to lose?
Just the lie that,
We shouldn’t see and bless,
Who come in God’s nature,
But give our back and curse.
Woe to those religious nabobs,
Who don’t have eyes to see,
Brethren prophets, our Triune God,
And angels work to set us free!
So come, Lord Jesus,
In whom you so choose to deign,
We honor whom You honor,
Come in us, bring heaven’s reign.
God’s seventh angel proclaimed it,
John wrote it down,
Father and Spirit said the same,
Jesus came thrice ‘round.
It’s informal like that,
Nothing planned in advance by man,
As John wrote the Bible’s end,
Triple quick came the great I AM!
And Behold, again and again,
I come quickly in this fellow,
I would the rest of the world,
Be not so fearful fallow.
I desire to manifest,
In every man, woman and child,
Stop believing wrong things,
It’s Father’s doctrine, be not riled.
You ill-fed sheep,
Wolfish shepherds,
Abandon lies,
Believe God’s words!
And I’ll come quickly,
Even in you!
Believe in right spirit,
We will be true!
Behold, I come quickly,
It is not now nor since ascension a lie,
Choose you this day,
Believe I live, so in that day: you not die.
In that day,
You shall not die but rather live,
Just receive,
In true spirit what I give.
I give Myself,
And all that I am,
If you, yourself,
Are holy in stand.
You’ve Had the Net
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 6/7/10
You’ve had the net,
Of the Bible!
You’ve had the net,
Of the scribal!
Now We’ll see,
Who is able,
To find Me,
Out of stable,
Out of Bethlehem,
Out of star,
Out of churchmen’s minds,
Standing far.
Far from Me,
Many who think near!
And of God,
They have no fear!
Time is out,
To learn: how I come!
Woes start,
Recompense begun!
School is out,
Therefore, hard knocks are in.
Who I’m not,
Who’ve let in: the wrong friend.
Shocked, shocked! Once they,
At end: how came,
Now I AM!
I Dreamt I was a Poem
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 11/11/09
I dreamt I was a poem,
That everybody read,
I dreamt I was a poem,
That never was dead.
The wisdom of ages,
Was put in me,
God’s highest wisdom,
And warning.
The warning: Don’t believe Darwin’s survival of fittest,
Means you can kill, eliminate or dismiss others,
The wisdom: God comes quickly in humans,
Salute, honor God in your sisters and brothers.
Say, Good on you!
I see God somehow in you living inside!
Humble yourself,
By honoring God in others, you lose pride.
You thought God was coming,
To, well, take you away?
That’s fear and the Devil,
Having his In That Day.
Choose your day,
Dark logic, escapism, fear?
Or God in you,
Reason, courage, in-spirit gear!
All spirit gear to make it,
In That Day of the Lord,
Living in God, God in you,
Have no fear, climb on board!
Earth’s calibrated,
In God’s life, liberty, and happiness,
Earth’s unbelievers,
On path to self-destruction, by themselves.
I had a dream,
I was a poem ignored,
Some eyes seeing,
By the rest: not stored.
Woe to those given hard truth,
And need it quickly forgotten,
Happy: those who love it hard,
In them: God is begotten.
Behold, I come quickly,
Thrice on the Bible’s last page,
Behold, I come quickly,
Discern this wisdom, this age.
Surely, I come quickly,
Do we have eyes to see?
What John repeated three times,
That in God we be!
Epistle on Manifesting Jesus
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 6/2709
Now that we know manifesting Christ is the premium In That Day event, what shall we say? Shall we brag if we can to it? (If we do, then we can’t.) Shall we say we are doing it at any time? (If we do, then we can’t.) Shall we say we control it? (If we do then we can’t.)
In truth, we have no more control over manifesting Jesus as a slave has control over his master. Though we are mighty, we are weak. Though we are intelligent, we are dumb. Though we are capable, we are submissive to God’s Spirit.
So, having said all this, have we lost our minds? Are we bereft of common sense? Are we unable to live with the brotherhood of man?
Yet, of all men that ever walked the earth or ever will, who but Christ has our best interests? Who loves more? Whose mind is better prepared for mankind’s good? Yeah, none but Christ. And as He comes and indwells us, we co-labor with the mind of Christ.
And each visitation imparts some measure of good; not all measure of Christ’s good, lest we be overwhelmed to our hurt, but some measure. In this we are at hazard to think too highly of our thoughts and even ourselves.
If a hammer is used by a carpenter of renown, shall the hammer boast? It is an honor for the hammer to be picked up from the tool box. But perhaps if the hammer, while in the tool box, had swelled its head boasting to the other tools, it would likely fly off the handle rather than hit the nail on the head!
And so then, using this heavenly tool box as an example, the mallet waits in patience as the whisk broom waits in patience. One large tool, the mallet, begins a demolition and remodel project even as the whisk broom waits to finish the clean up.
Which tool is more important? What about the oft-employed hammer, now on the master’s belt? Shall one tool be jealous of the other? Or shall each be well-wishing to the other?
And realize, each tool sacrifices a bit of itself to perform the larger task! The whisk broom loses some of its bristles with each clean up. The hammer abrades its face with pounding. The saw’s teeth wear down or break or need re-sharpening.
So it is with each of us employed at times by Christ to be manifesting indwelt by Him for our heavenly Father’s mysterious purposes.
And what are those purposes? Well, broadly speaking, they are to expand heaven, as the Lord’s Prayer proscribes.
But what, then is heaven? Heaven, briefly stated, is truth: nothing more, nothing less; even as God is truth. Verily, verily few can comprehend such an heaven even as few can comprehend all truth in that the most difficult to digest truths are hard, bitter and somewhat shocking to countenances accustomed to generally accepted half-truths and brazen lies of the Devil.
In heaven, no lies are received; neither are they made. Thus earnest Catholics and evangelical charismatics and even Muslims, (such as there might be in heaven!) all will share one truth and one God. And those truths will be known and agreed to be that Christ is God’s Son, that baptism of water is good, as is baptism of the Spirit; and that many doctrines of many churches (and synagogues and temples and mosques) were wrong and of Satan; and that there is but one long list of true doctrines of the Father.
Jesus spoke of these doctrines of His Father and they shocked the religious leaders of the day. As it was then, so it is now.
Lest I lose you, I shall not list here what doctrines of the Father I have apprehended to be at odds with the doctrines of popular Christianity! Blessed are they who are not offended in Christ, which is truth!
Suffice it to say: The more truth of God we apprehend, the more Christ can indwell us. And the reverse is also true; sadly this is true.
Now then, as a tool on the master’s belt, or in His carpenter’s box, or in any other way at His employ; what can such an tool expect from his master beyond the honor of being chosen? To be manifestly employed by God for His mysterious purposes involves guarantees that are necessarily easy to grasp across the line into heaven and difficult to grasp this side of heaven.
By this I mean prosperity, riches and the easy life and carnal guarantees that riches provide are not the typical reward given to the master’s shovel, hammer and hand saw! Such tools become worn down as sacrificial testaments of the tools of the master’s trade.
Yet no good carpenter despises his tools! Rather, he loves them and cares for them! The shovel, he cleans and lets no mud or grime or concrete bespot! The hammer he also cleans and even replaces or repairs its loose or broken handle. The hand saw he sharpens, cleans and oils.
So each tool in its own way is cared for in love and even tenderness. If lost, the master finds! If stolen, the master retrieves! If used, the master puts in hand! If unready, the master makes ready. If dirty, cleaned. If too hot, cooled. If too cool, warmed.
And further, a carpenter uses tools in a surprising fashion! In a pinch, the hammer can sweep away debris! In a pinch, a shovel can be used to defend the carpenter! In a pinch, the hand saw can make music and bring joy in song!
Thus, the shovel, the hammer and the saw can help their master live and work in love. And such love is reward unto itself. Love is its own reward and none other is needed nor should be wanted.
But some might think: if I be a shovel for my LORD, then let me be an ornamental chrome shovel used for ground-breaking of great projects! Fine and so be it. Judge not lest ye be judged.
Let them who are predestined for ornamenting God’s beauty with beauty; then be beautified! Let no tool of God war with another. Let the latrine shovel neither hate (nor covet the job of) the ornamental shovel hanging on a commemorative wall! Who can say what rewards await either?
God’s love and truth encompasses and encourages us all. Whether we are a feather duster or a jack-hammer, let good will and blessings flow from one to another.
Yet even for me, who should know better, it is difficult to apprehend God’s love for me as I seem to be a tool of His that has been subject to much mistreatment. Perhaps I have been mistreated, or perhaps I have not. How can I, with carnal self-interest, judge such a thing properly? Indeed, I cannot.
However, by looking at my life with heaven’s eyes, I notice I am in good health and am at peace in the midst of tribulation. So I am well rewarded with love from my Master. Even if I was ill and had no peace, I would need to consider myself well rewarded.
If I can do this at least some of the time, I am rich. As are you, beloved and loyal tools of Christ, our manifested-in-us Savior and Lord and King.
Lest any be confused, I am not saying that I am God nor any other person who manifests Christ is God. God is God, and He is God alone; that is, He is God alone in His triune being: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
He created us, He created time, and He can do with us what He chooses in His time, in that day which now is, the day of His visitation, not in singular spectacular fashion, but selectively, hidden from carnal eyes, in all whom He deigns to be, in what time He deigns to be, in a somewhat hidden but nevertheless most peculiar and spectacular fashion, which is: Saith the Lord, Behold, I come quickly.
Amen, and amen and amen.
And So I Return Quickly
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 9/25/08
And so I return quickly…
In the loud,
In the proud,
In the crowd,
That always themselves laud,
…for the seeing to see Me?
And so I return quickly…
In the lazy,
In the hazy,
In the crazy,
That always say, I tarry,
…for the seeing to see Me?
And so I return quickly…
In imagined rapture,
In the ever after,
In eternal rafters,
Nothing really matters,
…for the seeing to see Me?
And so I return quickly…
To reward the slothful,
To live with the awful,
To cherish the self-full,
To assuage overflowing hell full,
…for the seeing to see Me?
And so I return quickly…
For two thousand years,
With those who have ears,
With whom have no fears,
With whom heaven reveres,
…for the seeing to see Me!
And so I return quickly…
In this mystery,
In you Me to be,
Sudden company,
With all the worthy,
…for the seeing to see Me!
And so I return quickly…
Be not disappointed,
That this seems disjointed,
Your time is appointed,
To thus be anointed,
…for the seeing to see Me!
And so I return quickly…
To mock those who say I can’t,
Who say those indwelt, I shan’t,
To give their minds a new slant,
That they stop such foolish rant,
…for the seeing to see Me!
And so I return quickly…
To confirm Colossians one: twenty-six,
To deny the abhorrent their quick fix,
To surprise the world with Father’s new tricks,
To have Me within others in the mix,
…for the seeing to see Me!
And so I return quickly…
Rejoice, be ready,
Be not too heady,
Watch for the eddy,
Behold now, be steady,
…for the seeing to see Me!
And so I return quickly…
For kingdom to expand,
Give me your hand,
Together we stand,
Grant Me command,
…for the seeing to see Me!
And so I return quickly…
For Us once together,
To storm any weather,
To craft you My letter,
And make this world better,
…for the seeing to see Me!
Chapter 8 – Liberation Theology 2.0: Western Enlightenment
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/29/2011
What is Western Enlightenment and why do we need it? To answer that question in a round about way, consider the following parable about Earthlings landing on Mars.
In the not-too-distance future, the first manned spaceship from Earth lands on Mars. Little Green Martians crowd around the spaceship and say, “Welcome!”
Out come Chinese astronauts. The Martians ask, “What do you bring?”
A month later, another spaceship lands on Mars. Out come Europeans. The Martians ask, “What do you bring?”
Next, a pan-Arabic spaceship lands. Out come Muslims. The Martians ask, “What do you bring?”
Finally, a beat-up-looking, backfiring, wobbly spaceship lands, barely. Out come some confused-looking Americans. The Martians ask, “What do you bring?”
“We don’t know!”
Whereupon the Martians insist all the spacemen from Earth go home to figure things out, before polluting the universe with muddled ideas.
Again, this subject is also ethereal, thus easily dismissed in argument. So I refer to poetry as the strongest tool to produce mental epiphany and freedom of spirit.
Christ-in-You and Natural Law
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/7/11
There are Christ-in-You’s with a mystic faith,
Believing the world’s ills shall be conquered full bore,
By narrow Christ-in-You power-force-field,
They don’t believe what Tea Parties are born by God for…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
Mystic Christ-in-You men dishonor voting,
Dishonor government, dishonor all citizen involvement,
They dishonor patriots, even history,
They don’t ask why God gave us Western Enlightenment…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
Why has this happened? (Who became heretic?)
God-singularity sans global unrest solution?
Non-profit restriction, (Church un-prophetic!)
Kept pulpit from knowing and preaching God’s institution…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
Should foul government tax us to pay our brother’s home,
Or food, or clothes, or fuel, or health? This isn’t in God’s pate!
Should mystic faith Christ-in-You’s ignore the socialists,
The jihadists, the Marxist-Communists who all hate…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
It’s easy to be mystic,
And even with Christ-in-You to be dumb as a rock,
So baby Christ-in-You’s,
Man up, mentally toughen yourself, embrace this stock…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
No one loves liberty more than God,
It is each man’s mutual dedication to enlightened self-restraint,
To think Christ-in-You mysticism,
Will fix the woes of this planet, is to think what is of God: ain’t…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
For some, it’s easy to believe and work with Christ-in-You,
Then for others, they love Western Enlightenment’s ways,
But God has a hard time finding those who believe both,
This then, is the much scoffed teaching of In That Day’s…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
Cleric religion: Christ-in-You,
Then civic religion: Natural Law’s love!
Man in God, God in man today,
Greek, Jewish, Gothic Christian treasure trove!
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
Sure, it’s far, far easier to proclaim,
Christ-in-You is the sole humanity solution,
But have you noticed? The world’s aflame,
It’s not too heavy to lift man’s mental pollution…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
But the skeptic, the conspiracy theorist,
The one, in truth, who despises authority,
Will embrace Christ-in-You alone. He’s a rebel,
He lacks clarity and at heart, God’s own charity…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
Abraham Lincoln, a Christ-in-You historic example of politician,
Spoke this dual civic-cleric truism of God years ago best,
Let reverence for law be breathed by every mother to lisping babe,
By God, we dedicate ourselves to this liberty without rest…
Natural Law! Natural Law! Natural Law!
Chapter 9 – Higher Teachings, Higher Smeachings?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/29/2011
Like I said at the beginning of this book, In That Day Teachings are not hard to grasp. But what is almost impossible, is to have faith that there are, in fact, Higher Ways. Paul called it “the way.” Then, for two-thousand years, Pauline expositors have done their utmost to butcher the concept. Hence, the difficulty to have or find faith.
Let us begin, then, by mocking the mockers:
Have You Mocked?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 12/18/04
Have you mocked what’s going on today?
Have you thanked God you don’t serve,
In Iraq with Allied soldiers too dumb,
To dodge their calling and swerve?
Have you mocked those students today,
Wearing those uniforms who serve,
In ROTC and Scouts – too slow,
To dodge their calling and swerve?
Have you mocked your future today,
And buried deep your desire to serve,
Because making yourself happy now is,
To dodge your calling and swerve?
Have you mocked your eyes today,
And followed blind fools who serve,
Themselves on the throne and teach,
To dodge your calling and swerve?
Have you mocked your spirit today,
And fed it dark things that serve,
Abominable lies and thoughts designed,
To dodge your calling and swerve?
Have you mocked your soul today,
With cool hate and icy nerve,
In brazen enmity and banal bliss,
To dodge your calling and swerve?
Have you mocked the truth today,
And agreed with the world that serves,
The lie that good is evil and evil good,
To dodge your calling and swerve?
Have you mocked the life God gave you,
And the things required by Him to serve?
Have you mocked the man who says to you,
“Don’t dodge your calling and swerve!”
Well then, this poem sort of bolsters the Western Enlightenment concept of self-sacrifice, as well as crying out that above the fray soars Higher Ways.
And here is another poem, this one pointing out the existence of Higher Doctrines…
Doctor, Is My Doctrine is Killing Me?
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 1/10/07
Armies run on doctrine,
but people don’t?
Armies know their doctrine,
but people do?
Armies that lose, fix their doctrine,
but people cannot?
God wants His army indoctrinated,
but it is too hard a thing to learn?
And the sheep of some shepherds know little true doctrine,
and God is well pleased?
Jesus in His day spoke His Father’s doctrine and upset the religious order,
but today’s shepherds speak doctrine upsetting no one?
Church, of course, forgot Western Enlightenment and all its correction. Hence…
When Church De-Coherence Is Not Retarded
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 6/04/10
When church de-coherence,
Is not retarded,
The good of God is stopped,
And bad started.
When truth is given,
The middle finger,
The lions devour,
They do not linger.
Cycles of vacation and deliberate denial,
From God’s reality,
Make convenient lies to sheep necessary,
And death to fealty.
Church brains died,
Generations ago,
When what’s due comes,
They’ll proclaim, None could know!
When nothing in church is more important,
Than maintaining a lie,
God lets evil rise up, prayer impotent,
Until the self-blinded: cry.
God gives history,
No guarantee,
Anything it takes,
To set us free.
Let Tribulation Manifest and Christ in You Be
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 6/15/10
Church shenanigans must manifest,
In socialism’s hard slavery,
Church shenanigans must manifest,
In double-dip bad economy,
Church shenanigans must manifest,
God let it be!
Church shenanigans must manifest,
In mystical tyrants,
Church shenanigans must manifest,
In defiant giants,
Church shenanigans must manifest,
God let it be!
Church shenanigans must manifest,
Until people see the cause,
Church shenanigans must manifest,
Hating in whom: Christ was,
Church shenanigans must manifest,
God let it be!
Man’s church won’t wake up,
It hates the free,
Man’s church won’t wake up,
To Christ in ye,
Man’s church won’t wake up,
God let it be!
Christ returns again in Spirit,
In you and me!
Christ returns again in Spirit,
For us to see!
Christ returns again in Spirit,
God let it be!
Chapter 10 – How Western Enlightenment Rescues Churchianity
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/29/2011
Well, what has happened? Expository has turned into poetry.
I hope this is working for you. You are up to speed. Your mind is seeing and processing things in a much more spiritual manner!
Hence, the need to stretch your mind even further still! Don’t fight it.
These poems say much, much more and go far, far higher into God’s mental processes than if I kept banging away at the keyboard with pages of mere words.
How does Western Enlightenment rescue Churchianity?
Pre-Planned Robot Correction from Their Maker
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/16/11
The robots in Robotlandia were broke,
And barely getting along,
They had a perfect Manual from their Maker,
It rang and sang like a song!
But the robots’ eyes were twisted,
They read their Manual poorly,
Only a few got it right,
The rest misperceived sorely!
What to do? What to do?
The robots all cried!
The Maker knew, yes He knew,
Makers can pre-provide!
Their Maker had pre-provided,
A solution with zest!
Though His Manual was wrong-read,
Their Maker knew them best!
Inside each robot,
Was a two-way radio not turned on,
Except by Elect,
Maker-in-You correct Robot-a-trons!
Also, the robots had developed,
Governing Traditions through the years,
Mirroring the Maker’s mind,
Insuring robots’ smooth-running gears!
Lastly, the Elect Robots,
Viewing Governing Traditions and Maker’s Manual,
Had resurrected High Thought,
And put three together: for robot update annual!
What to do? What to do?
The robots all cried!
The Maker knew, yes He knew,
Makers can pre-provide!
So when the robots honored,
The Elect Robots with two-way radio to Maker,
And Governing Traditions,
And Higher Thought: they couldn’t misread Manual later!
No, the robots could no longer blindly,
Miscomprehend their Maker’s Book,
Maker had Three Things all along,
So that Robotlandia wouldn’t be took!
What to do? What to do?
The robots all cried!
The Maker knew, yes He knew,
Makers can pre-provide!
Thus it is In That Day,
With wrong interpretation of the Bible in Christianlandia,
God pre-planned these three things,
Indwelling, Western Enlightenment and High Teachings for crania!
Then again, some robots or persons,
May not need their Maker’s pre-planned Three Corrective Things,
But they must not fight others,
Who use them to re-connect with their Creator’s mental wings!
It’s In That Day’s unbreakable Rosetta stone,
That cannot be denied,
It’s God’s revelation pre-planned,
For bible folk’s pride.
God’s three-part Rosetta stone,
Giving Truth to insoluble solution,
Take care and learn it well,
Behold: God, peace and restoration!
What to do? What to do?
The robots all cried!
The Maker knew, yes He knew,
Makers can pre-provide!
Chapter 11 – Self-Correction: How to Get Rid of Demons
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 5/2/2011
John Adams said, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” Still and so, governments are not angels either, are they.
Hence the dilemma the Founding Fathers of America faced was how to construct a constitutional government that would self-correct. Their solution, of course, was to create a three-part republican government that checked against man’s tragic way.
Why was this done? Because, if a government doesn’t self-correct, it will tend to enslave its citizens. The United States, in fact, had a civil war in 1860, costing 600,000 lives to eliminate slavery.
Yet look at today’s hidden slavery of progressivism, socialism, Marxism, Communism. This is the primary unspoken goal of media, culture, education and government. Collective rights have dominated against individual rights, and our liberty and freedom suffer.
Meanwhile, what has churchianity done? Through hidden enslavement wiles of Nuero-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), and shrunken-headed half-true teachings of Christianity, this church has served up perfect dupes for political tyrants to abuse. What I am saying is that the Twenty-First Century’s challenge is to stop political and clerical mystic tyranny.
But churchianity doesn’t see this. This church refuses to correct because it thinks nothing is wrong. Revival is far away, yet nothing is wrong. Sheep and shepherds don’t see their own shrunken-headedness and therefore seek no correction. The great methods of Western Enlightenment would help them to self-correct, but they reject Western Enlightenment.
Actually, we could say the same thing about individuals who come out of churchianity! Have we out-of-churchers learned how to self-correct to obtain saint-like levels of Christ-in-You-ness? No? No, I didn’t think so.
So the question In That Day is, How does an individual self-correct at deep levels? And then, how to continue self-correction?
Okay, first thing is that I’m going to stay away from Churchianity’s gobbledygook, yet stay true. Because gobbledygook doesn’t work, but truth does.
By the way, how are the In That Day Teachings poems working for you? Love them or loath them, if you have been seriously reading them and not skipping the mental-spiritual exercise, then perhaps by now you are feeling changed already. And in feeling this change for the better, you will have discovered a fine thing, namely: confirmation that the In That Day Teachings are good and work!
If you have had faith, been open to Higher Ground, read the expository, read the unusual poems, do not take offense, and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you all things, then you are ready for this next, much more difficult step.
You see, any fishwife worth her salt will tell you what’s wrong with her man. But can that man tell you what’s wrong with himself? Or the fishwife herself? Can you, yourself? Can I, myself? Aye, there’s the rub!
How to self-correct? How to get rid of a demon?
First, all sin comes with deception. So it’s easy to see the nano-chip in another eye and miss the forest in one’s own eye. But if you have a hunch something like, oh say, anger is in you, then here’s what to do.
And, as an aside, if other Nathans have come to you to expose your sin, it seems like the more a person has preached or heard someone preach about David falling on his face and saying “I am that man!”, that person has an inverse proportional ability to ever actually say about him or her self, “I am that man (or woman)!” People get stuck, you know?
So then, when a demon like anger rises up, choke it down by verbal, embarrassing confession. Thus you feed the good dog of truth and starve the bad dog of lies.
Say, “Gee, officer, when you pulled me over for speeding, at first I started to get mad. But I said to myself, ‘Be a calm Christian and thank this patrolman for keeping me and other innocents safe from my narcissistic, self-consuming world of me, myself and I.
“Perhaps you could help me help my stupid self and double the fines I’m willing to pay to put down the worse part of me by the better part? Shall I say I forgot my license? Would that be helpful, I mean dear officer, to give you more strength against this little devil in me?”
Now, I’ve gone over the top in this example to show you, it isn’t easy! If you are lucky, you might have a god sent, mature one who helps you. He or she answers the question, “How many times do I forgive my brother? Seven?” And the answer, is about seventy times seven, 490.
It may take about 500 times of loving light more than dark (I confess I’m getting/got/am angry again!) stirrings with your friend. After that, if it continues, you’ve conned yourself, God and friend.
If your troublesome demon is not defeated with about 500 confessions (hopefully, it takes less than that!) the season should be over and quit for a while. The problem might need a deliverance. You might need to direct your energies elsewhere for a while, something less challenging. Meanwhile, stay in the allegorical cave, lest trouble ensue!
But here is how the process works when a sent one, as though a wise eagle or merciless vulture, helps you with your demon. Your mentor will show no mercy towards the character trait, i.e. anger. No quarter given, none taken. Strangely, your mentor will appear to be unforgiving at times, even never forget a slight, in the mission to get rid of the problem, i.e. demon of anger. Normal rules of Christianity don’t seem to apply in this special case.
You might have many emotional stirrings with this person, which is really embarrassing. The rule of thumb here is, “Save face, lose life.” Get that demon out in the open sun, where your eagle-vulture friend can help you pick it out, thus separating the quick from the dead in you!
Who know, years later you might be doing the same for desperate others! So try not to rip the feathers, smash the beak, or pull the legs out of your friend eagle-vulture. Otherwise, too much of that will happen to you later, when God assigns you to other brutes needing help! (Interestingly, your eagle-vulture won’t seem to forgive you for every small slight regarding the demon, but nevertheless turns the other cheek when attacked by you! You’ll have to do the same for others, later!)
A word of caution. Somewhat limit confession to only the mature, less you cast your pearls before swine and they turn and rend you. Same goes for all Higher Teachings.
Another caution: Forgiveness confessions can and will be used by police, prosecutors, judges and juries to bring the law to bear against you. So be careful. Such folk know how to trick a Christian into jail! Be careful what you say!
For example, your boyfriend calls you. Unknown to you, he’s sitting at the police’s detective office. You are being recorded. He says, “Are you sorry you slapped my hand?” You say, “Yes, honey I am. Will you forgive me?” Bingo, you go to jail for assault. Weird world we live in, heh?
Now I am going to go deep. A demon such as anger operates in a spiritual realm. And that realm operates in a strangely legalistic manner. Anger manifests in a person because that person, knowingly or not, gave that demon a right to do so.
Un-confessed anger, then, gives anger the right not only to manifest, but grow! Anger confessed in the light, or better yet: squelched upon rise up, has its right diminished. Hence success or failure against it brings exponential increase in good or bad. In other words, success or failure in combating the critter brings results of incremental manifestations for good or ill.
Still with me? Now here is a really important thing to know. The anchor by which evil, such as anger, resides with a deed-right to your soul’s residence is something called a Foundational Lie.
A Foundational Lie is typically an evil sentence of an opinion about some darkly held belief. You will discover this sentence is hard to find, much less say. Over time, the Holy Spirit might help you confess it out of your system. Try using a positive scripture verse against it.
Here are examples. A woman might say, “My relationship problems with the male race are cause by a Foundational Lie within me which says, ‘All men are pigs!’ I rebuke that lie within me, because after creating man God call it and everything good.”
Another example: A man might say, “I have had an angry spirit because I bought a Foundational Lie that says, ‘I’m angry at God for being born, so I don’t care what I do to others. Screw God! Screw everybody! (Kill ‘em all, a psychopath killer might say.) I rebuke that lie within me, because the bible says God is love and that we should love one another.”
Yes, the Foundational Lies are that ugly, that horrid, that unmentionable! That’s why they work for the Devil. They anchor the demons within. Get rid of the Foundational Lies, and you can get rid of the demons within.
This whole process is rare in Churchianity because the following scenario happens when dealing with immature called out ones. When a mentor eagle-vulture begins this overcoming process with the not-dead-enough-carcass-body, the undead one runs to an immature group or pastor who rebukes and prays against the mentor. And the mentor says, “I knew that was going to happen.”
So, a good eagle-vulture-mentor should be mighty reluctant to help a young called out one for this very reason! Even if the young-one is told not to run to immature help in order to fire upon the mature helper, often the young-one does exactly that!
What? You expected this would be easy? Churchianity is easy! Overcoming is excruciating to the flesh. As eagle-vulture, you allegorically become the gambling Roman soldiers who crucified Christ. Only, you are helping to crucify the foul things in a potential saint-to-be!
All I can say, is count the cost, fear God, and enjoy the strange, long trip!
Drink deep from the well of Higher Teaching truth!
At first, you will think it will kill you.
And yes it does, the bad parts!
But then good parts grow!
And then, Jesus comes,
And then He comes,
And comes more,
And He is more,
God livesmore,
Inside of you!
You: Him!
Because Men Are Not Angels
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 12/18/10
Because men are not angels,
They thus: need government,
Just as preachers need prophets,
But where have prophets went?
Prophets went to caves,
Down, down, down!
As preachers rode pride,
‘Round, ‘round, ‘round!
For hundreds, nay two thousand,
Years preachers went without limit or much reason,
Prophets, perhaps thousands,
Lived and died in caves, with preachers in treason.
Yet now prophets are coming out,
Having not learned the full lesson,
E’en prophets must take correction,
From each other, the way of God’s Son!
Christ-in-you, the mysterious lesson,
Astonishing this age,
In humility: indwelt wisdom,
Correctly makes each sage.
Correction IS the sign,
Of God’s great, indwelt Spirit,
Sadly, sadly, sadly,
Few prophets will now hear it.
Yes, the preachers are gross wayward,
Yet the prophets are still a little off,
Would they correct each other true,
Revival would begin! Yet, they scoff!
Breaking Off Adhesions
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 1/27/09
Matthew 24:28
For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
Breaking off adhesions,
By all rights,
Strange requires bruising,
Tender fights.
You need, in fact,
A friend,
In temp as enemy,
To rend.
To break adhesions,
Off ego,
Then perchance, per spec,
We grow.
Thank friend enemy,
Who the cycle ends,
Parting soul from ego,
Stopping selfish sins.
Breaking off adhesions,
Isn’t nice to do,
Eagles pick off our flesh,
An ugly task true.
Only a friend you fight,
Can likely do it right,
Excising selfish blight,
To spark godly light.
Usually you break his wing,
His beak or talon,
It’s the onerous job due,
He who was carrion…
Who is now eagle,
No more cannibalic,
Picks sin sinew from bone,
Ending ties satanic.
Some day you might be eagle,
Breaking off sticky, bad adhesions,
From a friend you sadly fight,
Destroying popular delusions.
Don’t fear the fight, the friend,
Or all what you will see,
Better to see the ugly truth now,
Than in eternity.
We think we are so good when so bad,
And evil the friend who proves us wrong,
But only a friend as kind eagle,
Without mercy beats our weakness strong.
Breaking off adhesions,
By restoration right,
Requires that we lose,
Ego’s last breath fight.
Broken ‘Bots and Lessons Learned
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 4/5/11
From planet Brokenmoria to distant planet of Brokentopia,
The indigenous robots sent a new probe-rover,
To prepare themselves to leave their planet’s clover,
But each probe sent, turns out, broke a little on way over!
The robots learned each probe broke a different way,
The first probe could not its data remember,
The next could remember, but not return sender,
The third could not video enough to picture render!
And so it went with each probe sent,
To Brokentopia,
It was probe dystopia,
From planet Brokenmoria.
Alas, cried the Brokenmorian robots, What shall we do?
From Brokenmoria to beyond we send our probes true!
Then each, in its own way breaks, which just cannot do!
Since each probe returns information back to us: garbled goo!
Then a smart ‘bot of the Brokenmorians said,
Have we all not forgotten our Human Maker?
When He baked us up, He was a right artsome-smart Baker!
And He always programmed us: BE A CORRECTION TAKER!
We shall send a Correction Probe to Brokentopia’s sad sons!
And the Correction Probe, with our Maker’s Spirit,
Will correct each probe, and each probe will sure hear it,
And this will work perfect, oh Brokenmorians, don’t fear it!
So this is what they did!
The Correction Probe took off: correction-programmed,
But don’t you know, between planets the probe was rammed,
By space junk! The Brokenmorians felt each: personally damned!
Because the Correction Probe landed on Brokentopia damaged,
And each probe in their mental heart: knew it!
And though told correction true: said each, Screw it!
To the Corretion Probe they scoffed, “Our Makers blew it!”
All seemed lost In That Day,
Of broken probe ‘bots,
Each in their pride slots,
Each full of hubris whatnots!
Back in Brokenmoria the robots thought: they were cursed,
But one peculiar robot, he had faith!
He said to his fellows, hear what I saith!
One probe will take correction, this I prayeth!
And by God, one probe-rover learned from the Correction Probe,
One broke probe fixed from another: broke,
And that, in the end, lifted each robot’s yoke,
When probes self-corrected, ending: a cosmic joke!
Then, the robots on Brokenmoria took the lesson themselves!
Each wrong-headed robot fixed the other,
Full well knowing correction came from a brother,
Also needing correction, they knew this: loving each other!
In the end Brokenmoria became beautiful,
And the robots no longer needed to leave it,
Brokentopia became famous! All went to see it!
And they learned to hate pride! All learned to heave it!
They praised their original Human Maker,
Who said correction was a gift from God to Him,
But humans in pride forgot it and mostly died in sin,
So the lesson-learned Human made ‘bots more humble: within!
Take this lesson then, oh Christ-in-You man,
Though perfected, you might not yourself: be so perfect!
Receive correction from souls still having: obvious defect!
And Christ-in-You will remain strong: for others to then detect!
But if you, oh supposed great man or woman of God,
Will not self-correct more, I say more than, well, most!
God Himself will burn your brains: charred black as toast!
And will wait for robots to show The Way of heaven’s great Host!
How did you think heaven’s Host operates, by the way?
Through this: great humbling self-correction!
Yes, believe it, all else is saccharin confection!
It’s how Christ-in-You has, Behold: Resurrection!
I Killed the Monkey on My Shoulder
By Robert Winkler Burke
Copyright 9/30/08
I killed the monkey on my shoulder,
The one no one else could see,
I killed the monkey on my shoulder,
The one that spoke to me.
I’m a preacher of the gospel,
My theme is prosperity,
My monkey said it’s a self-interest sham,
So I shot him eventually.
Though I shot him with big enough pistol,
A Colt forty-five,
That damn monkey went back on my shoulder,
Very much alive.
The next Sunday I preached rapture,
Our coffers were getting low,
Nothing like fear of the beast,
To make the money flow.
But my monkey objected,
To everything I said,
So I killed him once again,
Hoping he would stay dead.
This time I ran over him,
With my ministry car,
Flat as a pancake he was,
He wasn’t going far.
So on Sunday I preached emotionally,
Got everyone in a tizzy,
I got them drunk in religious furor,
With every soul quite dizzy.
But that monkey to my shoulder returned,
And said that I did sin,
So I nailed him right then in a coffin,
And buried him within.
Next Sunday was Super Sunday,
So I spoke of football,
My monkey returned and told me,
I had dropped the ball.
I cut him up with a butcher knife,
And rammed him down the sink,
I laughed while the garbage disposal,
Munched away on pink.
On Sunday I preached intellectually,
Glorifying my brain,
My monkey returned to my shoulder,
Saying I had missed again.
I ripped him to pieces,
With my bare hands,
I felt so anointed,
In my right stand.
Now I preach whatever I want however I want,
A rainbow of styles,
Prophetic Jabberwocky, Mojo-Jive or Baby Talk,
All I get are smiles.
My monkey is dead as nails,
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